A neighborhood deer apparently got crosswise with a construction site installation and emerged victorious but not unmarked.
Reined Deer -or- Buck on a String
A Veterans Day Tribute: In My Father’s Own Words
This is a story that I feel is worth repeating on this Veterans Day: my father’s account of his experience in the Army during World War II.
Happy 22nd Blogiversary toĀ The Fire Ant Gazette!
I aspire to be artificially intelligent. This natural stuff isn't working for me.
It’s the Gazette’s 22nd birthday, and I asked a couple of AI bots to take over for me while I celebrate.
Pareidolia -or- Do you see what I see?
Do you see things in things? If so, welcome to the party!
Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon where our brains make us see things in other things. Or something.
Fire Ant Flickers (#5): Focus on Maui Nature
Some random nature observations from our recent visit to Maui
Our recent trip with friends to Maui provided some interesting encounters with local fauna and flora.
Never Trust Older Brothers
Try it, they said. You'll like it, they said.
Older brothers picking on younger ones is a phenomenon as old as the Garden of Eden (well, if you’re a snake). [Cartoon images only]
Return of the Rock Squirrel
They're skittish, but fallen pecans are too hard to resist.
After a prolonged absence, we’re once again being visited by one or more rock squirrels.
The Serpentine Surfer
My wife and I had an interesting encounter with a beautiful snake whose peaceful float trip turned into short whitewater adventure. And, obviously, this post is chock-full of snake photos.
Pickleball: I can stop anytime. Really.
Debbie and I are now — how do you say it? — pickleballistas. I know…crazy, but true. Life is an adventure.
Fire Ant Flickers (#4)
Worms and politics and pain charts.. No, it's coincidence, really.
In which I intervene in the circle of life, and offer an uninformed opinion about The Debate II. But there are also memes.