Bunny Stop

Baby cottontails are perhaps the cutest wild animals in existence, especially when they try to hide in plain sight. This one inexplicably stopped just short of a bridge that would have completely hidden it. Perhaps it thought that we’d be confused by the rebar right behind it, thinking it was a snake. In any event,… Continue reading Bunny Stop


Even though there is some Biblical support for the adage that if you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans, I’ve never bought into that concept except as it applies to plans that are clearly contrary to His will. And so when I tell you that we took our bike to Fredericksburg for… Continue reading Rain/Dance

The Midland County Courthouse and Illogical Architectural Sentimentality

The planned Energy Tower now has its own Wikipedia page, so it will inevitably be built, because they can’t put anything in Wikipedia that’s misleading, right? That means that a large number (or small number or a handful or one-or-two) Midlanders will be inconsolable over the demolition of the now-vacant county courthouse occupying a full… Continue reading The Midland County Courthouse and Illogical Architectural Sentimentality

Grading the Hybrid Bit Performance

Remember this post? We finally got to run that fancy drill bit, two months later than planned thanks to some unexpected complications in the previous well. (If you work in the oil industry, you may recognize the phrase “unexpected complications” as a practical synonym for “business as usual.”) We drilled through a very tough formation… Continue reading Grading the Hybrid Bit Performance

Categorized as Oil & Gas

Canon Powershot N…which stands for “not quite there”

In late April Canon released a new point-and-shoot camera, the PowerShot N. I pre-ordered it from Amazon.com (where I now see that it’s temporarily out of stock) based primarily on two features described in a preview article: an 8:1 optical zoom, and built-in WiFi. It didn’t hurt that the camera is about 20% smaller than my all-time… Continue reading Canon Powershot N…which stands for “not quite there”

Samba Ambitions

Note: Miss me? I missed you. I’m trying to ease back into this blogging thing, and the best way to do that is to either (1) steal something from someone else, or (b) repeat myself. Being the overachiever I’ve deluded myself into thinking I am, I choose to do both. Miss me? Maybe it’s the… Continue reading Samba Ambitions