I realized tonight that whenever I run short on blogging inspiration, I need only visit a Domino’s Pizza outlet for a few minutes and I’ll come away with plenty of material. I volunteered to pick up a pizza tonight if Debbie would order it, so she did via the Domino’s website. Normally, you can track… Continue reading The Domino’s Muse
TiGr Bike Lock
Update (2/2012): The Tigr Lock website has launched and the locks are now available for purchase. They’re not inexpensive, but they’re also not cheap, if you know what I mean. I took delivery of a new bike lock yesterday. I realize that sounds like dull news, or no news at all, but it’s actually quite… Continue reading TiGr Bike Lock
Cleaning up iTunes Album Art
We went to a dance a few weeks ago and the band performed a song that we weren’t familiar with, but it was catchy enough that I looked it up when I got home. It turned out to be Forget You by a pudgy hip hop musician named Thomas Calloway; the cognoscenti will know him… Continue reading Cleaning up iTunes Album Art
A Modest Rationale for Ending “Economic Diversification” Efforts
If you live in Midland, you’re familiar with the Midland Development Corporation (MDC), the quasi-governmental agency that uses some of our taxes to bribe entice companies to either locate in Midland County or expand their operations if they’re already here. The special sales tax that funds these efforts has been in place for a decade,… Continue reading A Modest Rationale for Ending “Economic Diversification” Efforts
Laws of Combat
I’m going through my files – physical and computer – and deleting or archiving those that are likely beyond their useful life. This is one of the final steps in unwinding the website business. In the process, I’ve run across a lot of things that I acquired and kept over the years for no apparent… Continue reading Laws of Combat
Honoring a Veteran – My Dad
Seven years ago, at the urging of one of my cousins, my Dad sat down with my Mother and dictated the story of his experiences in World War II. Dad served in the Army as a machine gunner in the European Theater – he and his outfit landed at Normandy Beach shortly after D-Day –… Continue reading Honoring a Veteran – My Dad
“Occupy Wall Street” has local impact
Our financial advisor is a fellow named Jim Cosner. Jim has impressed us over the years with his business acumen (our portfolio has done almost embarrassingly well during these, um, difficult times), integrity, and unflagging optimism. We meet about once a quarter to talk things over, get his take on what might be on the… Continue reading “Occupy Wall Street” has local impact
The Gazette Turns Nine
It’s traditional to make a big deal about arbitrary chronological milestones, and who am I to ignore tradition? So, this here blog-like thing turned nine years old today. Or, it might have been yesterday. The historical records contain certain, ah, discrepancies. But “close” counts in hand grenades and blogging. If I was less intellectually honest,… Continue reading The Gazette Turns Nine
Random Thursday – The Saturday Edition
The following would make a passable series of Facebook posts, but I’m behind on my blogging quota. Plus, I’ve had literally one or two people (OK, one) ask when I would be updating the Gazette again. We’re planning to attend a charity dinner and dance tonight, and because it’s within a week of Halloween, it’s… Continue reading Random Thursday – The Saturday Edition
Installing a BHP
Big Honkin’ Plotter, that is. Or, to be less dramatic and more boring, an HP T-1300 Designjet large format plotter. Yep, that’s what I [almost] singlehandedly assembled and put into operation at the office yesterday, in fulfillment of my loosely-defined IT responsibilities. It was actually ridiculously easy, despite having 94 discrete steps in the instruction… Continue reading Installing a BHP