Oh, that’s not right…

I just saw the trailer for the upcoming release of the theatrical version of Bewitched, starring Nicole Kidman as Samantha and Will Ferrell as Darren. Well, they’re actually the characters who reprise those TV roles as the movie takes on the remaking of the sitcom. Or, something like that. But, never mind that; it’s not important.

What I want to warn you about is the horrible job Ms. Kidman does in wiggling her nose. In point of fact, her nose hardly moves at all. Her mouth goes back and forth, and to the extent that there are peripheral fleshy shifts, you can detect a slight nasal leaning, but nothing that will qualify as a wiggle.

You’d think, wouldn’t you, that in this era of anything-you-can- imagine-can-be-green-screened that Hollywood could give Ms. Kidman a decent nose twitch. This movie could be a disaster of Ishtaric proportions.

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  1. Isn’t that basically the way Elizabeth Montgomery did it? She moved her mouth a certain way rather than actually wiggling her nose, since that’s basically, physically impossible?

  2. Who’s Elizabeth Montgomery?
    Only kidding… just showing my im-maturity. I agree with Denise… I think that EM did the same thing. I don’t have old recordings of the show to analyze however. Maybe Eric could scan a couple of frames of each actress, nose only, and we could all try to identify which is witch.

  3. Isn’t that basically the way Elizabeth Montgomery did it?
    Boy, take all the magic out of it, why don’t you? 😉
    I still believe that Montgomery was a much more skilled nose-wiggler. That was back in the day when actors pursued and honed their crafts with single-minded purpose. These youngsters today have no appreciation nor stomach for the sacrifice and discipline it takes.
    …and we could all try to identify which is witch.
    That just made your day, didn’t it? 😉

  4. That was back in the day when actors pursued and honed their crafts with single-minded purpose.
    Right. Not like that whippersnapper Nicole Kidman, whom we all know is a complete hack!

  5. Do not dis Ishtar.
    With apologies to Jared, I thought Ishtar was more enjoyable than Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
    …Nicole Kidman, whom we all know is a complete hack!
    The verdict’s still out on her, what with this pitiful nose-wiggling performance and all.

  6. Nicole was good in “Dead Calm.” After that–well, I guess there was “To Die For”–it’s hard to figure out witch of her movies is the worst. 😉

  7. Ok, I just saw a Bewitched ad on TV and watched closely for the Kidman nose twitch, and you’re right. Nicole Kidman can’t hold a candle to Elizabeth Montgomery in the nose-twitching department.
    Whew, I’m glad that’s settled!

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