The Gazette: Insect Gestation Central

Unlike some people who are constantly crowing about their Google ranking on obscure search engine terms, the management and the staff here at the Gazette are much too preoccupied with adding to the collective scientific knowledge of the global community to worry about such trivialities.

And it’s paying off…in spades. We’ve just learned that we’re number one in a Google search for “praying mantis gestation period.”

[In the interests of full disclosure, we reluctantly acknowledge and apologize for the fact that the above-referenced search term appears in a Gazette post preceded by the phrase, “we have no idea about…” But, really, haven’t all advances in scientific thought sprung forth from a starting point of ignorance?]

Technorati tag: Praying Mantis Gestation Period


  1. One would hope that Google is not the preferred search engine of scientists. Not to diminish the importance of your #1 position. 🙂 One could hardly expect you to know much about their gestation period when all of yours are fake.

  2. when all of yours are fake.
    Gwynne, you may have just put your finger on a possible flaw in my research methodology! I’ll have to reconsider my hypothesis of a mantid gestation period of “apparently infinity,” which, I’ll admit, seemed to have some disturbing implications.
    Say, “Mantid Gestation Period” would be a cool name for a band, wouldn’t it?

  3. An infinite gestation period is disturbing indeed, in many ways.
    Re: the “Mantid Gestation Period”…almost as cool as The Fallen Flamingos (an inside joke that I don’t expect you to get, but it’s a long story). 😉

  4. Well, I’m #1 on google under my name for some silly comment made on some obscure blog with a funky little fireant logo. So there. Maybe I should log in under an alias!!

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