36 and Counting

It’s hard to believe that Debbie and I have been married 36 years, as we celebrate that milestone today. I’ve always granted that I married above my station, and that’s reinforced every day as I continue to see her through a filter of love and respect. And my prayer every day is that I will… Continue reading 36 and Counting

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Wherein we consider the possibility of weaponizing bermudagrass clippings

Memo to the City of Midland

To say that our new expensive traffic light synchronization system is a disappointment is an insult to disappointments.

New Gazette Header Graphic?

So, I’ve been thinking about whether to re-incorporate an ant into the header graphic, but it’s hard to decide which one. Here’s a possibility. Link via Daring Fireball

TDF 2009

The Tour de France begins this weekend, and some of us are ecstatic to have Lance back in the spotlight. Will he win? That’s not the point.

Categorized as Cycling

Housekeeping Note

I want to make things more simple for comments, but I may not be smart enough to figure out how to do that.

Categorized as Navel Gazing