Restaurant Rant

Have you noticed that some restaurants have become rather stingy with their oven time? First, it was IHOP, doing away with their iconic warm syrup, forcing us to us the decades-old, occasionally mislabeled communal dispensers. Now, as a kid, I was always amazed at the bounty of available sweet and sticky substances to be found… Continue reading Restaurant Rant

Random Thursday

Some random bloggage while contemplating the inherent unfairness of yesterday evening’s storm that flooded many parts  of Midland and yet gave our neighborhood just enough rain to mess up our newly-washed truck. It is, after all, all about me. Solid State Drives (SSDs) are all the rage nowadays. Their manufacturers claim the drives are nearly… Continue reading Random Thursday

Categorized as Random Thursday

Local columnist claims a Mac “virus” ate his Facebook

Matt Saxton is the Midland Reporter Telegram’s news editor and he regularly authors a column. Today’s column documents what he calls a virus that attacked his computer and wreaked havoc with his Facebook account. He makes a specific point that he uses a Mac, and that the virus accessed his Keychain account, which is the… Continue reading Local columnist claims a Mac “virus” ate his Facebook

Mesmerizing Morph

This is the most amazing thing I’ve seen in quite a while. Many adjectives come to into play, including “amusing,” “terrifying,” and “mysterious” but “mesmerizing” was the one that ruled them all for me. (Note: This will work best if you have a pretty speedy internet connection.) Source: Petapixel

Categorized as Photography

Monster Bike

My assumption is that this creation was commissioned by an orthopedic surgeon looking to beef up his knee replacement practice: Call me when they come out with a tandem version. Link via Cool Material

“That’s Oil, Folks!”

I pretty much gave up on Texas Monthly years ago, when Molly Ivins exemplified the magazine’s left-staggering slant on, well, just about everything. (Plus, they were rarely charitable toward my beloved Aggies, and way too benevolent toward our arch-rival, Whose Name Shall Not Be Mentioned.) The downside of that decision, however, is that I miss… Continue reading “That’s Oil, Folks!”

Filtering Criticism

Seth Godin has a[nother] excellent post this morning entitled Interpreting Criticism. Here’s the money quote: Criticism of your idea is usually based on assumptions about the world as it is. Jackson Pollock could never have made it as an painter in the world as it was. And Harry Potter was rejected by just about everyone… Continue reading Filtering Criticism

Scientific Dancing

Scientists have discovered what moves make a guy a good dancer, at least in the eyes of female onlookers (and, after all, what else matters?). It’s apparently very simple, which only deepens the mystery of why so many of us are such bad dancers. We just need to move our torsos and necks more. *forehead… Continue reading Scientific Dancing

Random Thursday

The theme of today’s post could be “Around the Web,” as I don’t have anything noteworthy to write about, not that that’s ever stopped me. Ever wonder how a sewing machine works? How about a rotary engine or a Maltese Cross mechanism? If you’re a visual learner, this website has some very simple animated examples… Continue reading Random Thursday