Illogical Keyage

Has this happened to you? You rent a car and they hand you a set of keys that have the same mass and weight of a bowling ball. There are two identical keys on the ring. That’s understandable; what if you lose one? You’re still golden, right, because you have a duplicate. Uh, not so… Continue reading Illogical Keyage

Rick Perry’s Tax Return: Reading too much into it?

Texas governor Rick Perry’s plans to host a day of prayer and fasting in Houston’s Reliant Stadium on August 6th have – not surprisingly – evoked a wide range of reactions. Some are accusing the governor of crossing the line between church and state, some are suing to stop the gathering, and some are applauding… Continue reading Rick Perry’s Tax Return: Reading too much into it?

A Tale of Two Nets

OK, before we get started, I’ll wait here while you go watch this. G’head, it’s OK; just don’t get distracted by videos of babies biting kids’ fingers, or mimes. I’ll wait here. *finger tapping; random whistling* Yeah, that was pretty awesome alright, seeing a whale rescued from a fishing net. My aunt in Albuquerque sent… Continue reading A Tale of Two Nets

The photographer’s equivalent of “Hey, watch this!”

Ever heard of the “Canon Hack Development Kit (CHDK)”? If you have, I bow before your superior geekiness. I had never heard of it until I decided to research how I might be able to use my Canon PowerShot S95 to shoot in time-lapse mode. Out of the box, this otherwise highly competent point-and-shoot (P&S)… Continue reading The photographer’s equivalent of “Hey, watch this!”

What will they think of next?

So, we’re driving south on “A” Street and I notice that a crew is pulling a pump from a water well at the northeast corner of the intersection with Solomon Lane.  Me: “I didn’t even know they had a water well there.” Debbie: “Yeah, it’s underground.” Me: *staring at her* Me: You know I’m totally… Continue reading What will they think of next?

Rocking the Boat

Twisted Sifter’s Friday Shirk Report is a guilty pleasure, a weekly compilation of 20 amusing (usually) images, 10 fascinating (usually) articles, and 5 interesting (usually) videos. The following caught my eye in this week’s report.  I’ve never spent much time considering how new ships are launched, beyond the traditional smashing of the champagne bottle against… Continue reading Rocking the Boat

QR Tattoos: Get inked, get linked

Ran across this video (via Neatorama) of a guy getting a tattoo of a QR code that links to a website. Note that YouTube apparently believes that a video of someone getting a tattoo is too intense for general consumption. Also, some skeptics are doubting the veracity of this process. Whatever. That’s not the point,… Continue reading QR Tattoos: Get inked, get linked