Signs of spring, food and drink recommendations, and proof that my pivot from zoology to accounting was a wise choice.
Category: Big C & Me
Cancer Update: Salvation via Radiation?
We're in a new chapter of treatment, one that we trust will have a happy ending.
I managed to avoid it for almost three years, but the cancer is just asking to be radiated, and who am I to deny it?
Random Thursday
Wherein I clarify my health news, discuss rain and bug poop, and feature cute bird videos.
The Big C & Me: Why Me?
How God works is a mystery to me. I’m fine with that; after all, He’s God and I’m not. Still…
The Big C & Me: An Update
The pathology report following my prostatectomy was not exactly what we’d hoped for…but it could have been worse.
Fun with Foleys -or- Let’s Talk Catheters 😃
Sometimes TMI really is…but what about the times when it’s not? We walk a fine line here.
Confronting the Big C: “You Shall Not Pass!”
A friend sent me an encouraging text the day before my cancer surgery and it led me from a Bible verse to a movie scene…and back around to God.
The Summer of My Discontent -or- The Big C & Me
The Summer of ’22 has not been kind to me. But I still managed to find a bit of humor here and there.