I may have to create a new category for these things, defined, more or less, as cool things to do which have dubious benefits. (Of course, that would probably apply to most of my life, but that’s not important.) Anyway, someone has posted step-by-step instructions for converting an AC wall outlet to USB, presumably so… Continue reading Another Solution in Search of a Problem
Category: Technology
Wandering the Web
We spent the last few days in scenic Weatherford, Texas (if that sounds like sarcasm, you need to drive through some of the neighborhoods south of I-20 and you’ll see that I’m serious. But be sure to pack a GPS.) and thus haven’t been attending to bloggerly duties. Here’s some stuff I hope will make… Continue reading Wandering the Web
Cellphone Radiation
Get the Cell Phone Radiation Level widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! As reported in this Wired article, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has analyzed almost 1,300 models of cellphones to determine how much radiation each handset emits. They’ve created a helpful database of their findings, and you can query that data… Continue reading Cellphone Radiation
Stalking the wily petabyte
I can remember when an 80 megabyte hard drive was an extravagant, four-figure upgrade to a computer. I remember being blown away in 1998 when I learned that Microsoft’s TerraServer project contained one terabyte of data. Today, I’ve got three terabytes (that’s ~3,000 gigabytes) of storage scattered among a handful of internal and external drives,… Continue reading Stalking the wily petabyte
DJs of the Future
Via Geeks are Sexy:
Take a Chill Pill and get your groove on
We’ve been enjoying our neighborhood’s new clubhouse and pool, but one thing that’s missing from the summertime-at-the-pool experience is music. Even decades later, the smell of sunscreen* evokes memories of Groovin’ or Crystal Blue Persuasion or anything by the Beach Boys, all of which were on the continuous P.A. playlist at the big pool at… Continue reading Take a Chill Pill and get your groove on
If we’re not on Google Maps, do we exist?
In which we delve into the mysteries of getting real places added to mapping services.
The King & Celine
Considering that more than 1.5 million people have viewed the YouTube video of CĂ©line Dion performing with Elvis Presley, this may not be news for you. But neither I nor my wife had seen it, and I figured that there were likely a few of you for whom this will also be new. I recommend… Continue reading The King & Celine
Amazon.com: Disrupting shared informational heritage since 2009
A writer for the LA Times worries that Amazon.com is amassing too much control over, well, pretty much everything.