The forecast for today calls for early morning miasma giving way to midday doldrums and eventual afternoon moping.
A Morning Walk
A beautiful way to start a Friday…
Random Thursday
Tomatoes and potatoes, trees and knees…we got it all at the Gazette.
Loving “Love”
Even if you aren’t a huge fan of the Beatles, it’s hard to imagine that you won’t be impressed by “Love.”
The 3rd Shoe Drops
Existentialism deconstructed with an eight pound sledgehammer.
Nature is a Harsh Arborist
There are a thousand ice-storm stories in the not-so-big city. This is one of them.
Abbye: Nanook of the North
The dog-like creature that co-inhabits our house exhibits polar bear tendencies.
Kiddie Kops
An old photo brings back memories of being a crossing guard, back when liability laws were more lax.
Book Review: “The Crimson Portrait”
I can’t say that I’m a big fan of romance novels. Can’t say that I’m not, either, since I’ve never knowingly read one (Jonathan Livingston Seagull was as close as I ever came and it doesn’t count because it was the Seventies and I was trying to impress someone). So when a review copy of… Continue reading Book Review: “The Crimson Portrait”
Merry Christmas!
We’re pleased to present the Gazette’s traditional reminder of the significance of Christmas.