An insider’s look at the hi-tech, low-style world of webcasting…
Reality isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
I must have been out of my freakin’ mind when I agreed to appear on a live webcast.
Book Review: “A Reader’s Manifesto”
The subtitle to B.R. Myers’s A Reader’s Manifesto is An Attack on the Growing Pretentiousness in American Literary Prose. This slim (89 pages) volume is indeed an attack, and it apparently struck its intended targets. After one lukewarm attempt at self-publishing the original manuscript under the title of Gorgons in the Pool, it was picked… Continue reading Book Review: “A Reader’s Manifesto”
How dum do they think we are?
Wherein the spotlight of public ridicule is brought to bear on a shameful practice of a successful American franchise.
Me? On a webcast? Be very afraid…
Another sign of the impending apocalypse: a live webcast interview of yours truly.
Abbye Update
A medical update on our dog. Mostly good news, albeit a little on the boring side. OK, a lot.
The Gospel According to My Birthday
Here’s an excuse to do a quick Bible study, as if you really need one. Excuse, that is.
Book Review: “Consider the Lobster”
I think there are two basic reasons why people read a collection of unrelated non-fiction essays.1 The first is that they believe that the topics of the essays in general are interesting, if not interrelated. The second is that they enjoy the writing of the author, regardless of the topic. I suspect that not infrequently… Continue reading Book Review: “Consider the Lobster”
Abbye Update: A little good news
The radiologist’s reading of Abbye’s ultrasound was much different from the vet’s initial interpretation. And that’s very good news.
Abbye Update
Abbye’s diagnosis gets a bit clearer, but the treatment remains a mystery for a little while longer.