Back Yard Action

I was going through some pictures that I downloaded into iPhoto from one of my cameras and ran across this one. I don’t remember taking it, nor do I have any idea how I managed to get the fisheye effect. But there’s something about the composition and the action that captures my imagination. I do… Continue reading Back Yard Action

Necessity is the second cousin twice removed of stupid inventions

My sister-in-law keeps forgetting to plug in her crockpot, making for disappointing meals. One of her cousins suggested that she needs to find a slowcooker with an alternate energy source. I’m surprised that no one has thought of this solution before. I’m now working on a version powered by AAA batteries. I figure it will… Continue reading Necessity is the second cousin twice removed of stupid inventions

3D Movie a No-Show

Ha…a “no-show.” Get it? Movie. No-show. I kill myself, sometimes. I’m sure you’re no more surprised than I was when we couldn’t get the 3D DVD to work in our setup last night. It was a comedy of errors, although we needed a laugh track because I certainly wasn’t giggling. First, I couldn’t find our… Continue reading 3D Movie a No-Show

3D TV might be 1D too many

As I may have mentioned before, for our Christmas gift to each other Debbie and I bought a new Samsung LCD/LED TV. It’s got a lot of bells and whistles, including built-in WiFi and that great edge-to-edge picture that makes it look like movies are literally coming out of the woodwork. And it’s also got… Continue reading 3D TV might be 1D too many

Surfing the web? Uh, what’s that?

When’s the last time you surfed the web? (OK, when’s the last time you even heard that term?) My guess is that it’s been a long while, and that you’re now fidgeting on Facebook or whatever the operative phrase might be for wasting time online. I know I’ve blogged about the effect Facebook has had… Continue reading Surfing the web? Uh, what’s that?

Tony Joe White / Dave Alvin: Subsonic Vocals

One of my Christmas gifts was an iTunes gift card, and I always use such windfalls as an excuse to look for music that’s a little outside the mainstream. Coincidentally, a song on SiriusXM’s Outlaw Country station caught my attention, and so I went searching for it.  Although my car radio’s readout often truncates artist… Continue reading Tony Joe White / Dave Alvin: Subsonic Vocals

Categorized as Music

“For unto us…”

Mary, did you know That your baby boy Would some day walk on water? Mary, did you know that your baby boy Would save our sons and daughters? Did you know that your baby boy Has come to make you new? This child that you’ve delivered, Will soon deliver you. Mary, did you know That… Continue reading “For unto us…”

Categorized as Faith