Super Bowl: Third Quarter

So much for a quick-moving quarter. *yawn*
Oh, the most exciting play in professional football: a challenge from the sideline!
The best thing about the third quarter is that it’s passed quickly.

“Eminem in Detroit” – Chrysler: Inspiring? Uh, how ’bout insipid? Inscrutable?

Ant Rating: Rating: 2 Ants

“Funky Bistro with Adrian what’s-his-face” – Stella Artois: Singing to a beer. It’s a French thing.

Ant Rating: Rating: 3 Ants

“Old time service station” – Carmax: Inadvertent snicker.
Ant Rating: Rating: 3 Ants

I do appreciate Fox for not running a commercial immediately following every kickoff.

“Psychedelia” – Hyundai Elantra: Have I said “meh” yet?
Ant Rating: Rating: 2 Ants
“Timothy Hutton” – Groupon: Uh…what th’?
Ant Rating: Rating: 2 Ants
“Border Crossing” – Coca Cola: Not bad. Not great, but not bad.

Ant Rating: Rating: 3 Ants


How about that…might be a game here after all.

“Cram it in the Boot” – Mini Cooper Countryman: How do you say “meh” with a British accent?
Ant Rating: Rating: 2 Ants
“Test Baby” – Double-meh.

Ant Rating: Rating: 2 Ants

And, we’re back, following a nutritious meal of corn dogs and cheese sticks.

“Let others go first” – Meh

Ant Rating: Rating: 2 Ants

“Tailor” – eTrade: Uh, I expected more.
Ant Rating: Rating: 3 Ants
“Ozzy & Justin” – Best Buy: “What’s a Bieber?” Classic.
Ant Rating: Rating: 4 Ants


  1. Contrary opinions on a couple of the ads … hey, I’m a Yankee, and it’s my job to be contrary. And maybe my ‘Yankee-ness’ is showing when I found Chrysler/Eminem/Detroit to be one of the more beautiful ads of the night … superb shooting and editing, beatiful background music from that choir, and a lyrical expression of pride-of-place that might not resonate with viewers out-west, down-south.
    As for tyhe Coca Cola/Border ad, I liked it A LOT better than their LOTR ad in the first half. This one was soooo much simpletr, yet sooooo much more effective for me.
    The Tomthy Hutton ad was a complete turnoff for me, considering Tibet’s troubles under the Communist Chinese.

  2. My opinion on the Chrysler ad had nothing to do with geography. I found it pretentious and condescending, and if I was Detroit, I’d resent being tied to a corporation like that. But, hey…just my opinion.
    I agree re: the poor taste of the Tibet ad.

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