Random Thursday: The Pictures Edition

Hey, fellow earthlings and others…happy Thursday. Today is National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day, but it’s also National Reptile Awareness Day, and wouldn’t you know it — there are a couple of snake photos at the bottom of this post (following the grapefruit-looking mushroom pictures). So, here’s your mashed-up warning sign (aren’t I clever?): I do have… Continue reading Random Thursday: The Pictures Edition

My Eagerly Awaited Return to Sailboarding, -or- “Blown Away”

Note: As I was typing the title of this post, I began to doubt that I actually knew how to spell “eager,” because it looked weird. In my defense, we just got a new Nespresso machine and I’m trying out a fortissio lungo, which is Italian for “guaranteed to make you not sleep for two… Continue reading My Eagerly Awaited Return to Sailboarding, -or- “Blown Away”

Categorized as Sports

Two Things: HaloRig / Flyboard

Our Two Things spotlight today focuses on a couple of “add-on” products, things that make other things work better, or at least differently. HaloRig: Video Stabilizer Anyone who’s tried to shoot video with a small digital camcorder, point-and-shoot camera, or phone knows how hard it is to keep the dang thang steady. The form factor… Continue reading Two Things: HaloRig / Flyboard