The fire that destroyed Wallace & Gromit’s warehouse looks suspicious, and for good reason…
Author: Eric
The Grace of Forgetfulness
Have you ever considered that one of the manifestations of God’s grace is the ability to forget?
The Wire Ant Gazette?
You can’t swing a dead cat around here without hitting an ant of some kind. And that’s not a bad thing…
Gimpy Dog? Maybe it just needs some “Hip Action”
We’re seeing good results in treating our dog’s chronic joint pain with a glucosamine supplement called “Hip Action.”
Creature Faceoff
I suppose I have a thing for mantids. In my defense, they’re the T-Rexes of the insect world, only greener. How can you not be fascinated by them? Plus, they’re quite photogenic. Late yesterday afternoon, I spied a praying mantis resting on a plastic stool on the patio. As I turned to go back inside,… Continue reading Creature Faceoff
Contrarian Grammarian
In which much is made about little…but, really, isn’t that the whole purpose of grammar?
Book Review: “The Hummingbird’s Daughter”
“The Hummingbird’s Daughter” is a beautifully-written account of the nation-changing life of a rather unusual peasant girl.
A “fun church”?
Can a church be “fun”? And, more to the point, should it?
The Social Life of Cartoon Characters
Seems like everyone’s getting an invite to Dagwood & Blondie’s anniversary party…except you-know-who.
Damned with Faint Headlines
So a headline is missing a word. It could have been worse.