In which local newscasters are busted for overusing “busted.”
Author: Eric
Never Forget
Observing Memorial Day 2005
Damned by Faint Praise: A Clarification
It occurs to me that I inadvertently failed to give sufficient credit to MLB in yesterday’s post about sharing housework. In that post, I implied that her doing the cooking was no big deal because she doesn’t do it that often. Nothing could be further from the truth (the big deal part, that is; the… Continue reading Damned by Faint Praise: A Clarification
Housework: Who wears the apron in your family?
American husbands are doing more housework than their wives give them credit for…but it’s still probably not enough.
Dance Lessons, Week 3: A Sinister Revelation
What your ballroom dance instructor will never tell you, especially if she’s a woman.
Oh, that’s not right…
Can you imagine a Samantha who can’t do a decent nose twitch? Well, you’d better start trying, bucko.
Book Review: “Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith”
Note: This is my fourth attempt at this post, as I try to find the right approach to the topic. I’ve never been comfortable playing the role of a “critical critic,” especially when dealing with so personal an issue as faith. Even now, I’m not sure how this will turn out, but as Ms. Lamott… Continue reading Book Review: “Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith”
Dance Lesson #2: War of the Twirleds
Halfway through the course, and back to square one.
Planting Gardens for Alien Children
Will your child eat a broccoli-and-squash pizza? Didn’t think so…
What’s In Your 8-Track Case?
A quick loop through some of the 8-tracks of my youth. (Heh. “Loop.” Get it?)