Wherein I learn I need better photographic equipment and the brain to use it. Also, a transparent TV is an oxymoron, but tell that to the Koreans. And, finally, a tip for getting out of a situation that you’ll swear wasn’t your fault.
Category: Cars
Fire Ant Flickers (#7)
Fire Ant Flickers (#2)
We're all about obscure scientific inquiry here at the Gazette. Also, cool cars.
It’s a rainy day in Texas, and thoughts turn to organic excretions, Cadillac concepts, and third thumbs. What an amazing world we live in!
You Say Alternator, I Say Tomahto
Making an error is not a blogger's nightmare, but being called on it is.
A recent exchange with my cousin evokes a comparison with a scene in a very funny movie.
The Story Behind the Photo
I suspect that most Americans have stories about the influence of a car on their early lives. Here’s mine.
Random Thursday
Make your own National ____ Day and stop relying on others. Also, fancy car stuff, and get to know your local dabblers.
Random Thursday
Non-functioning tats; baseball stats; a buck stands pat; and, uh, other things for which I’m out of rhymes.
Random Thursday
A&M excels; drought spells; wildlife swells; ugly cars don’t sell. (Yes, I’m unjustifiably proud of that.)
Random Thursday
It’s pollen season in Central Texas. Yay. So here are some random topics to divert your attention, assuming your watering eyes can focus.
Random Thursday
Hot cars, colorful wildflowers, dramatic thunderheads: happy Thursday, y’all!
Random Thursday
In which we explore the origins of a couple of idioms. Fortunately, it gets more exciting that that.