Heavy Sound

Consider this the equivalent of a “Please Do Not Disturb” sign, as the new A/V receiver showed up a day early and I can’t be bothered with trivia such as clients or work. Here’s how you know that you’re about to tackle a serious piece of electronic equipment: “At least 2 people”? Granted, it weighs… Continue reading Heavy Sound

Overdue A/V Upgrade

March was a good month, business-wise, and so I’m splurging on a new A/V receiver. This definitely falls into the category of “luxury” but it will fill several “needs”: When we built this house two years ago I wired it for 7.1 surround sound. We had the four rear speakers installed in the ceiling at… Continue reading Overdue A/V Upgrade

Workout Playlist

I’m watching season two of NCIS (the one where McGee comes on board and Kate gets whacked) on DVD during my exercise bike workouts. My usual workout is 45 minutes plus cool-down and each episode is a bit shorter than that, so I often either ride in silence for a few minutes or put on… Continue reading Workout Playlist

Categorized as Music

“When The Money’s All Gone”

Good time Charlie’s on the evening news The party’s gone public, grab your dancin’ shoes Pass it around ’til we all get stoned We’ll all come down when the money’s all gone. Everybody’s livin’, everybody’s high Everybody’s sellin’ so buy, baby, buy Everything’s had and nothing is owned Around it goes ’til the money’s all… Continue reading “When The Money’s All Gone”

Caution: Band at Work

Former Midlander Kyle Lent owns a recording studio in Georgetown (TX) and is also the lead guitarist for The Justin Cofield Band. The band is embarking on what it calls a “Grand Experiment,” an aspect of which involves allowing us to watch their recording sessions via webcam. If you’ve ever been curious about what goes… Continue reading Caution: Band at Work

Categorized as Faith, Music, Texas

Rediscovering Country

One of the unanticipated benefits of taking up ballroom dancing is the expansion of our appreciation of different types of music. While we’ve acquired the habit of judging all music we hear by the American Bandstandesque criterion of being “easy to dance to” (something that’s admittedly distracting when it occurs at church), we’ve also found… Continue reading Rediscovering Country

Random Thursday

It’s warmer this morning in New York City than in Midland. So, maybe there is something to that whole global warming thing after all. Which reminds me…I need to go delete some emails. Be right back. … Now, where were we? This is pretty exciting. Local singer/songwriter/attorney (and fellow Aggie) Ron Eckert has a new… Continue reading Random Thursday

Is there anything that couldn’t be improved with a liberal dose of Muppetry?

While watching the following video of the Muppets performing Queen’s classic Bohemian Rhapsody, it occurred to me that they would be perfect to do a cover of something — anything — by Meatloaf. But why stop there? I want to see a Muppet version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Even if you’re not a… Continue reading Is there anything that couldn’t be improved with a liberal dose of Muppetry?

Categorized as Movies, Music

“A modern spiritual”

Was Lawrence Welk really this clueless? (H/T Charles at Dustbury.com) I initially thought this was a very well done spoof, but I’m now pretty sure it’s legit. Here’s a tip: just because a song mentions Jesus and Mary – even as proper nouns instead of exclamations – doesn’t make it a “spiritual.” Confession: I still… Continue reading “A modern spiritual”

Take a Chill Pill and get your groove on

We’ve been enjoying our neighborhood’s new clubhouse and pool, but one thing that’s missing from the summertime-at-the-pool experience is music. Even decades later, the smell of sunscreen* evokes memories of Groovin’ or Crystal Blue Persuasion or anything by the Beach Boys, all of which were on the continuous P.A. playlist at the big pool at… Continue reading Take a Chill Pill and get your groove on