I finished watching 13 Going On 30 today during my torture treadmill session. Cute movie… serious lapses in plot (duh)… Jennifer Garner is a revelation. Anyway, my favorite scene in the movie was the Thriller dance at the magazine’s party. I’m a sucker for the interjection of such scenes in movies that are not musicals, especially… Continue reading Movie Fun: Music in Non-Musicals
Category: Music
Hymns – Same words, different tunes
Something different occurred during our Sunday School class time last Sunday. It’s worth noting that the term “different” is not usually associated with anything of Southern Baptist origin, as we tend to like things nice and orderly and predictable. We’re the Texas Aggies of denominations. But on this Sunday, we had substitute song leaders; they… Continue reading Hymns – Same words, different tunes
Treadmill-Based Musical Observations
Here we are, five days from the official start of winter, and the outside temp is in the mid-70s. The wind is also blowing around 30 mph, making this seem like a typical spring day in west Texas. The St. Augustine side of my yard is still green. The weeping willows in Grafa Park still… Continue reading Treadmill-Based Musical Observations