Back Row Grace

I’m sure you’re all familiar with the Biblical parable of the back-row concert goers. No? Hmmm…I could’ve sworn strongly posited that was in the Bible. Oh, wait. Maybe I’m thinking of this: Now He began telling a parable to the invited guests when He noticed how they had been picking out the places of honor at… Continue reading Back Row Grace

Categorized as Faith, Music

Music Review: Sturgill Simpson’s “Cuttin’ Grass, vol. 1”

Yeah, two music-related posts in a row. It just sometimes works out that way, but not to worry; we’ll return to our usual mindless drivel pretty soon. If you visit the apparel page on the e-commerce section of Sturgill Simpson’s website and scroll down a ways, you’ll see a t-shirt with the question “Who The… Continue reading Music Review: Sturgill Simpson’s “Cuttin’ Grass, vol. 1”

Categorized as Music

Music Review: “From Elvis In Nashville” — Too much? It depends…

From Elvis In Nashville (hereafter referred to as FEIN to spare my typing fingers), a compilation of songs by you-know-who that became available last Friday, raises two questions. First, how much Elvis is too much Elvis? Second, assuming your answer to the first question isn’t “any Elvis is too much Elvis,” which Elvis do you prefer?… Continue reading Music Review: “From Elvis In Nashville” — Too much? It depends…

Categorized as Music

AMEX Centurion Credit Card? Ha! A mixtape card is way cooler.

My Discover card expired recently and when I popped over to their website to request a new one, I discovered (ha!) that I could choose from about 150 different designs. My initial thought was “well, this is sorta lame,” the same reaction I have to folks who order checks decorated with puppies and hummingbirds (the… Continue reading AMEX Centurion Credit Card? Ha! A mixtape card is way cooler.

Étude de clarinette

Warning: Some extreme band geekiness layeth ahead. Alert Gazette readers will recall that part of my shelter-in-place regimen is re-learning to play the clarinet after a longer-than-many-of-you-have-been-alive layoff. I’m semi-happy to report that I’m getting semi-better due to my semi-disciplined approach to practicing semi-regularly. Despite the optimism expressed in that post, I was not at… Continue reading Étude de clarinette

Categorized as Music

The Creaky Clarinetist

I pulled this bad boy out of the closet earlier today: This is noteworthy, at least to me, since it’s been approximately thirty years — THREE DECADES! — since I made an attempt at playing a clarinet. I was pleasantly surprised that none of the pads had fallen out, all the cork was still intact,… Continue reading The Creaky Clarinetist

Categorized as Music

When will the national tragedy of misheard song lyrics ever end?

A few days ago I attempted to impart some words of wisdom to someone about a situation — who and what are not important — and, after [re]discovering that I had no such words of my own (and likely never will; I tell myself that that’s the beginning of wisdom), I turned to the ultimate… Continue reading When will the national tragedy of misheard song lyrics ever end?

Categorized as Music

Random Thursday: The Tuesday Edition

It’s been awhile since we’ve published a Random Thursday article [Ed–After reviewing this, it’s obvious that it hasn’t been long enough.] Trapping Fails Following a very quiet winter and early spring in which I actually contemplated the notion that I had trapped out the nuisance wildlife population in our immediate neighborhood. Lately, however, our game… Continue reading Random Thursday: The Tuesday Edition