Buzzards+Fort Stockton = Swallows+Capistrano?

One of the presumed harbingers of spring in West Texas is the return of roosting buzzards. If that’s true, then Fort Stockton has seen its last cold snap for the season, as evidenced by this iPhone video I shot last evening from my parents’ backyard: This is just a fraction of the flock of scavengers… Continue reading Buzzards+Fort Stockton = Swallows+Capistrano?

Photojournalism: Redefining Reality?

There’s an interesting debate going on over at PDNPulse regarding “stylized photojournalism,” which essentially involves the application of special effects to news photographs to “enhance” them or to emphasize a particular point of view. The debate is between purists who tend to believe that the camera should be used to capture newsworthy scenes without any… Continue reading Photojournalism: Redefining Reality?

Happy Slo-Mo Dogs

Remember the frustrated frog videos? Well, on the flip side of things, here’s a vid that has a happier ending for all the participants. (Remind me never to eat in front of a 1,000 frame per second camera.)

More Tilt-Shift

Perceptive Gazette readers will recall this short post about tilt shift photography, a technique that seems to be gaining in popularity. One of my favorite commercial applications of the technique is the following Allstate Insurance TV ad: It’s a winsome effect, turning a real life scene into something toy-like. But, as nice as it is,… Continue reading More Tilt-Shift

New Gallery Images

I’ve posted a few new pictures over at the Gallery, including a bigger version of this one.

Categorized as Photography

Back Home

We spent an extended and very pleasant weekend in San Diego/Coronado, California. I hope to post a report with a few photos as soon as I can work through the backlog of work and errands that accumulated while we were away. In the meantime, here’s a teaser photo of four pelicans gliding along the coastline… Continue reading Back Home

More Big White Bird Photos

Remember this guy? He’s still hanging around. Well, I suppose “hanging” isn’t the operative term. Viewed from a certain angle, you can see that there’s not much to this bird, despite his impressive size while he’s wading.

“The Third & The Seventh”

The video shown below (via @jonasl Twitter feed) is one of the most mesmerizing pieces I’ve ever seen. It starts a little slowly, and the variable depth of field and changing focus techniques can be slightly off-putting, but stick with it and you’ll be richly rewarded. You can watch the embedded version below, but if… Continue reading “The Third & The Seventh”

Categorized as Art, Photography

More Fog

Our weird winter weather continues today as we awoke to some of the thickest fog I can recall around here. It wasn’t quite as bad as the Tule fog in Bakersfield (which is so thick that cautious drivers stop at intersections with windows rolled down to listen for cross-traffic), but it still slowed down traffic… Continue reading More Fog