Fall Blooms

We haven’t yet had a freeze this fall, and the really hot temperatures of summer are finally behind us. The recent rainfall coupled with the mild conditions means that the flowering plants are putting on some wonderful performances. Last Saturday I strapped on a macro lens and walked around the yard, snooping on our blooming… Continue reading Fall Blooms

Fort Stockton Photos

We were in Fort Stockton over the weekend and I carved out some time to wander through a pasture to take some photos, and then snapped a few at the nursery owned by my brother and his wife. Since the pasture was once part of the Permian Sea, can we call this mesquite stump “driftwood”?… Continue reading Fort Stockton Photos

Garden Shots

I strapped on the trusty macro lens yesterday afternoon and spent a very hot half hour shooting some of the plants my wife has done such an excellent job of nurturing through our continuing drought. Below are images of hibiscus, bougainvillea, and lantana. I’ll leave it to you to figure out which is which.

Little Porch of Horrors: Return of the Bling

Experimentation with animated GIFs continues, this time with some selective desaturation* and background blurring. *Desaturation is just a fancy way of saying removal of color. But you knew that.

Little Porch of Horrors

We had one of those rare mornings with not a breath of wind, and I noticed an unopened bloom on the hibiscus on our back porch. I decided this was a great opportunity to create a time lapse using the GoPro Hero 3 camera so I grabbed the tripod and camera and set things up.… Continue reading Little Porch of Horrors