Chapter 84 in the Field Guide for Male Survival: Interpreting Subtle Signs.
It was a dark and cacophonous night
Wherein is explored the theory that the happiness of the neighborhood is indirectly proportional to the number of times you wake it up before 4:00 a.m.
The Project Report: Almost Finished
The Project nears completion, and, surprisingly, it’s a pleasing piece of work.
Book Review: “The Medici Giraffe”
The Medici Giraffe [And Other Tales of Exotic Animals and Power], authored by Marina Belozerskaya and released a few weeks ago, is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It’s billed as a primer about the role animals have played throughout the ages in the rise and fall of political fortunes and even civilizations, but it’s really… Continue reading Book Review: “The Medici Giraffe”
An Innocent Question of Etiquette
To tell or not to tell, that is the [hypothetical, of course] question.
SoaP: “Time is Tissue”
“Snakes on a Plane” was supposedly assembled based on feedback from the blogosphere, thereby giving creedence to the bumper sticker warning us to beware of stupid people in large groups.
The Project Report: On a Roll
The Project gets a set of wheels, an adjective garners minor scrutiny, and Jimi countbalances Lesley.
Blind Faith
Learning spiritual lessons from a little blind dog.
Book Review: “The Detonators”
“The Detonators” is a well-researched and deftly-told account of a time in US history that many people probably don’t know very well.
Ceremonial Participation in Professional Sports
Baseball shouldn’t be the only professional sport with a ceremonial first something-or-other.