Advice for Boys

Chapter 84 in the Field Guide for Male Survival: Interpreting Subtle Signs.

It was a dark and cacophonous night

Wherein is explored the theory that the happiness of the neighborhood is indirectly proportional to the number of times you wake it up before 4:00 a.m.

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Book Review: “The Medici Giraffe”

The Medici Giraffe [And Other Tales of Exotic Animals and Power], authored by Marina Belozerskaya and released a few weeks ago, is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It’s billed as a primer about the role animals have played throughout the ages in the rise and fall of political fortunes and even civilizations, but it’s really… Continue reading Book Review: “The Medici Giraffe”

SoaP: “Time is Tissue”

“Snakes on a Plane” was supposedly assembled based on feedback from the blogosphere, thereby giving creedence to the bumper sticker warning us to beware of stupid people in large groups.

Categorized as Movies

Blind Faith

Learning spiritual lessons from a little blind dog.

Categorized as Abbye..., Faith