Walking on water is pretty impressive…but it was nothing compared to what Jesus did next.
Holy Intruder, Batman!
Life is never dull in our church’s worship services.
Book Review: “Seeing”
I finished José Saramago’s Seeing yesterday. This novel, which was published in Portuguese in 2004 but released in an English translation this year, is the follow-up to Blindness, which I reviewed a couple of weeks ago. The events in Seeing occur four years following the epidemic of blindness that swept the population of the unidentified… Continue reading Book Review: “Seeing”
Random Thursday
Random Thursday will commence shortly but first I need to inform you that I’ve run into some problems with the next installment of Fire Ant Theatre. I’m in desperate need of a Spanish/Klingon dictionary, and it wouldn’t hurt if you could direct me to an audio loop of Red Skelton’s impersonation of Marilyn Monroe. Now,… Continue reading Random Thursday
Cruel Nature
It’s a tough world out there, and sometimes your best efforts to cope with it can backfire.
Book Review: “Blindness”
I started reading José Saramago’s Blindness around 9:00 p.m. on Friday and finished it about an hour ago (it’s Sunday, about 3:30 p.m.). 326 pages in less than 48 hours. That’s not exactly a speed-reading record, but it should be taken as an indication of the mesmerizing quality of this novel about what happens when… Continue reading Book Review: “Blindness”
Springtime in West Texas
Springtime, and a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of pit vipers.
An Artistic Approach to Fighting Crime
Wherein is proposed a couple of dubious solutions for highspeed freeway chases.
Abbye Update
Readers ask about Abbye, and we respond.
Random Thursday
Random is as random does.