The only excuse I can offer for this post is that it’s Monday.
Got to lose ’em before we can save ’em…
A mini-sermonette, and some unrelated miscellany to help it go down easier.
Little known Fire Ant facts
The things you can learn on the internet…
Abbye Update
If knowing something is better than uncertainty, then there’s good news on the Abbye front. Otherwise…it’s not so good.
Abbye Update: The Hits Keep Coming
Wherein we find yet more indication that life doesn’t always unfold in the ways we’d like it to.
Risky Business
You don’t stop taking risks because you get old, You get old because you stop taking risks. T-shirt in Lake Tahoe ski rental shop This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find… Continue reading Risky Business
Going to the Big Dance
Tonight’s our public debut in the wacky world of ballroom dancing as we’re attending our first dance sponsored by the Permian Basin Ballroom Dance Society. This is a formal affair, or as formal as it gets in Midland, Texas, US of A. We understand that there may be a few guys wearing tuxes, and some… Continue reading Going to the Big Dance
Swimming with Sharks
Peter Benchley’s death stimulates a memory of a shark encounter.
Book Review: “Plainsong”
One of the biggest surprises last Christmas actually arrived a few days afterward, when an unexpected A-to-Z logo’d box arrived in my mailbox, small and mysterious and completely without context. Surely I’d remember if I had ordered something from Amazon…? Inside was a slim volume accompanied by a gift receipt. The volume was Plainsong by… Continue reading Book Review: “Plainsong”
“You don’t order grits, honey, they just come.”
Jesus Christ, Human Resources/Management Consultant