I’ve finally decided to bite the bullet and switch over to LED light bulbs throughout the house, although I may have to set up an Indiegogo account to get it funded. Those things are seriously expensive. I’m not sure I can justify this plan on purely economic terms. I counted more than a hundred bulbs… Continue reading LEDing the way
What color is your salmon?
So, I was perusing my Twitter feed because it’s much easier to get ideas from other people than come up with them myself and I ran across this article about how our salmon gets colored. As a frequent eater of salmon, I found it interesting that unless the fish was caught by aging hippie outdoorsmen… Continue reading What color is your salmon?
Raptor Breakfast
My favorite chair in the living room looks out onto the back yard where I get to see all sorts of interesting things (and it makes me wonder how much I haven’t seen). Such was the case this morning. As I was finishing my daily Bible reading a movement in the Mexican Elder near the… Continue reading Raptor Breakfast
Fox Times Two
Our fox continued to visit our back yard around noon for a few days after we filed this report. He (or she – I have no way of knowing for sure) would usually be snoozing in the sunshine on the back porch when we got home for lunch, and then vanish shortly after noon. But,… Continue reading Fox Times Two
Random Thursday: The Saturday Edition
A little of this, a bit of that – mindless web-surfing on a cold and damp Saturday afternoon reveals the following gems. I’m a sucker for multi-tools, although I confess that I rarely find a need to use one. One reason is that even though they’re generally tiny, they’re still inconvenient to carry in a… Continue reading Random Thursday: The Saturday Edition
Silence, please
If you’ve driven north on Holiday Hill Road, starting at Briarwood and going to Greentree, you’ve surely noticed two rather unusual sights on the west side of the road. Both are efforts made by Fasken Oil and Ranch – the landowner – to be a good neighbor to the housing developments across the street. I’m… Continue reading Silence, please
The Fox Returns
We were leaving the house to head to church this morning when my eye caught something odd through the door that leads from our bedroom to the back porch. It’s hard to make out from this phone photo, but it’s a gray fox napping on the mat outside the door. I opened the blinds a… Continue reading The Fox Returns
Adventures in TV mounting
I bought an LED TV as a Christmas present for MLB as a replacement for the remaining CRT set in the house. That TV was installed inside the built-in cabinets in our workout room, mounted on a sliding metal platform that has a few degrees of rotation so that we theoretically could view it from… Continue reading Adventures in TV mounting
Acquiring Culture in the Hill Country
During a recent stay at Horseshoe Bay we made a day trip to Fredericksburg, primarily to eat lunch at the Peach Tree Restaurant, but also to browse through the approximately 800 stores crammed into the three-block downtown shopping area. We didn’t anticipate that we would leave far more cultured than we arrived…not that that would… Continue reading Acquiring Culture in the Hill Country
Ice Storm 2015: Aftermath
The sun came out this morning, after four days of being missing in action, and the damage caused by yesterday’s ice storm is all too obvious. We drove to the airport and back (that’s another story) and saw a depressing number of broken tree limbs throughout the city. It’s going to take weeks to clean… Continue reading Ice Storm 2015: Aftermath