iPhone Tips

MacWorld recently published 33 Expert Tips and Tricks for iOS 6, and there are a few worth passing along. Note that even though the article’s title contains the word “expert,” if you can turn on your iPhone, you can implement each of these features. It’s not rocket surgery. Reverse Panorama We were at a restaurant… Continue reading iPhone Tips

Categorized as Apple/Macs

Praising Parrot

I crashed my drone and it was traumatic, but good service does a lot to ease the pain.

Macro Mania

Made some time this afternoon to play with my new(ish) macro lens and ring flash, with just a dash of Photoshop thrown in. ‘Tis not the season for much nature photography, but it’s fun to see what subjects present themselves in the garage. To wit… Heat sink from a computer circuit board Pliers Driver bits… Continue reading Macro Mania

Categorized as Photography