So, you’ve finished edging and mowing the yard in the 90 degree heat, and you’re happy to have that chore out of the way. You grab a bottle of water and ease into the chair on the front porch to admire your handiwork. Despite the watering restrictions, the lawn looks pretty darned good. You swing… Continue reading Passed Grass
My Apologies to Internet Explorer Users
I rarely pass up a chance to either make fun of or otherwise denigrate Microsoft’s browser, especially the older versions (I’m looking at you, IE6…and also you, IE7, and to a somewhat lesser extent you, IE8. IE9, you seem to be an OK dude.). The strange behaviors and outright bugs in those browsers create a… Continue reading My Apologies to Internet Explorer Users
Random Holiday Nature Scenes
We had a rather uneventful Memorial Day, without much to report. We did go on a couple of walks around the neighborhood, and I thought I’d share a few sightings of local flora and fauna. The first was actually last night, and not local at all, at least not in the “neighborhood” sense of the… Continue reading Random Holiday Nature Scenes
Front Porch Update (or, “Doo doo doo, lookin’ out my front door”)
It’s important to keep the Historical Records up to date, so here’s what’s happening in the front part of la hacienda: Barn Swallows – When last we checked in on the little #@*%& fellows, their nest was almost complete. It’s now finished and positioned so close to the ceiling that we can’t see inside the… Continue reading Front Porch Update (or, “Doo doo doo, lookin’ out my front door”)
Dancing With The Stars, You’re Dead to Me
It’s been several days and I’m still stewing about the final results from Dancing With The Stars. The fact that Chelsea Kane, by far the best dancer on the show this season, didn’t even make the top two is astounding to begin with, but to think that she was beaten by Kirstie Alley, who was… Continue reading Dancing With The Stars, You’re Dead to Me
Random Thursday
It’s been a while, but since Random Thursday posts are like falling off a bicycle, I think I remember how to do them: just start typing and let gravity do the heavy lifting. Or is that “heavy dropping”? And speaking of falling off a bicycle, we sort of did that last weekend. Well, what we… Continue reading Random Thursday
ABC’s “Combat Hospital” raises moral issues
ABC is airing promos for a new summer fictional drama entitled Combat Hospital. This is a Canadian-conceived show set in 2006 in a military hospital at the Kandahar Airbase in Afghanistan, and purports to depict “the frantic lives of the hospital’s resident doctors and nurses from Canada, America, the UK and other allied countries.” Wartime… Continue reading ABC’s “Combat Hospital” raises moral issues
Currency Devaluation
Make Your Franklin is a “community art project” that lets folks redesign the US one hundred dollar bill and upload the results to an online gallery. The site even provides a high resolution scan (7300×3000 pixel) of a Benjamin in case you don’t have one handy (and I never do). A lot of the entries show… Continue reading Currency Devaluation
Stationary Hummer
So, say you’re a hummingbird trying to cope with 40mph+ winds, blowing dust and smoke from wildfires on the north and the south, temperatures in the 90s and humidity around 5%. What would you do? Probably the same thing this little guy is doing…perching on a tomato cage sheltered by a concrete block wall, and… Continue reading Stationary Hummer
Underwater Flight
It’s been years since we’ve been scuba diving, following a period where we took a dive trip for seven or eight consecutive years. We enjoyed the sport immensely, but other priorities – financial and otherwise – took over, and our gear is probably slowly succumbing to dry rot in our closet. It’s hard to explain… Continue reading Underwater Flight