How not to manage customer relations

I’ve noticed a couple of recent examples of inexpert customer relations from companies large enough to know better. One arrived in via email yesterday afternoon, from my insurance company (Farmers Insurance). It touted its “Go Paperless” program, in which its customers could elect to receive policy-related documents electronically (gee…what a cutting edge idea!). Sounds innocuous,… Continue reading How not to manage customer relations

Categorized as Business

Playing with Uranus

Hey, they started it! Nevertheless, I think you’ll be impressed by this interactive 3D model of the solar system. What did you think I was talking about?

Brain Wracking Rack

One of the challenges of owning a bicycle with a wheelbase of more than 9′ is transporting it. Conventional bike racks just don’t work. In the past, we’ve used a Thule roof rack system along with a Thule tandem carrier that I extended with a length of square tubing and a second welded-on “foot” for… Continue reading Brain Wracking Rack

Fire (Ant) Sale

I still haven’t figured out what happened with the vanishing fire ants, nor have I contacted CafePress to remedy the situation, but this snafu along with a special request from a friend for some new products caused me to revisit the Gazette’s store and my business model related to said store. My goal has never… Continue reading Fire (Ant) Sale

Categorized as Navel Gazing

QR Codes Already Obsolete?

I’ve done a couple of recent posts about QR codes, trumpeting their use as the Next Big Thing in print-to-web interactivity, and what do I now learn? Google is abandoning the technology in favor of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology! So, does this mean the death of the QR technology before it even gets a chance to… Continue reading QR Codes Already Obsolete?

Categorized as Technology

Random Thursday

Some sightings around the interwebz while giving a big shout out to the A&M women’s basketball team for thumping the world-class Baylor team and advancing to the NCAA Final Four for the first time in school history. (The only partial downer is that all the quotes I’ve seen have the Lady Bears blaming their loss… Continue reading Random Thursday

The Vanishing Fire Ant

Update (4/6/11) I submitted a request for a refund via CafePress’s website and within 15 minutes was notified by email that they were granting it. They also said I could keep the shirts. Apparently they don’t want Fire Ant-less shirts either. Anyway, the interesting thing was this statement by the customer service rep: “I have… Continue reading The Vanishing Fire Ant

QR Codes in the Wild

Yeah, I confess that I’m sort of a QR code junkie (although I prefer the term “aficionado,” because it’s more fun to say). But after this post, and following a discussion with a client about possible ways they could help achieve his organization’s mission, I have a heightened awareness of how they’re being used in… Continue reading QR Codes in the Wild

Categorized as Technology

Handicapping DWTS, Season 12

Last year, I made the mistake of predicting the outcome of Dancing With The Stars before watching any of the competitors. That was a disaster of epic, Charlie-Sheen-as-a-babysitter proportions. However, after the first viewing, my revised handicapping was pretty darned good, if I do say so myself (and I must, because no one else will).… Continue reading Handicapping DWTS, Season 12