Just got back from getting a PET scan, which sounds like something leading up to a flea dip, but was actually done in an attempt to identify the little alien lifeform in my chest. The process is the stuff of bad sci-fi movies. We don’t have a permanent scanner in the Permian Basin, so one… Continue reading A $4,000 Nap
Author: Eric
In praise of Zero
I have a new vice. Well, to be accurate, I’ve rediscovered an old vice: the Zero candy bar. Ever had one? Zeros (Zeroes?) are, according to the wrapper, “caramel, peanut and almond nougat covered with white fudge.” That’s technically correct, but for me, anyway, they’re little edible time machines. My hometown of Fort Stockton, Texas,… Continue reading In praise of Zero
Medical Update (Don’t buy your veil just yet!)
The cat scan confirmed the presence of…something…in my right lung, something about the size of a dime. The radiologist said that it could be one of three things: scar tissue from a previous infection, a sort of harmless cyst that’s not uncommon among residents of desert climates who inhale a lot of dust, or, you… Continue reading Medical Update (Don’t buy your veil just yet!)
A little scary
I had a physical last week, the first in a number of years, although I’ve had a complete blood work-up annually for at least the last decade. Part of the physical was a chest x-ray. The doctor’s office called today to tell me that the x-ray revealed a spot on one lung, and they want… Continue reading A little scary
The Big 3-O
Today’s a special day for me. I don’t write much about my family, in order to respect their privacy (I got special dispensation from Abbye for the photos and the posts… and it’s costing me big-time in the puppy biscuit arena). But there are some occasions which are so special that they cry out to… Continue reading The Big 3-O
OK, OK…Enough already!
Since announcing the impending closing of the Gazette, I’ve received many emails, comments and trackback links regarding that decision. After reading and re-reading them, and upon further reflection, I believe the following sums up my reaction. I’ve never seen such a simpering mass of whiny, infantile mewling since Hillary confronted Bill about Monica. As that… Continue reading OK, OK…Enough already!
Adios, Amigos
[Update — years later — Guess what? False alarm! It was just a temporary hiatus.] This is the final entry to the Fire Ant Gazette. Effective on Monday, July 14, I’m unplugging the press, shuttering the windows, locking the door and donating my parking spot to anyone who wants it. Blogging has been fun, exciting,… Continue reading Adios, Amigos
Hymns – Same words, different tunes
Something different occurred during our Sunday School class time last Sunday. It’s worth noting that the term “different” is not usually associated with anything of Southern Baptist origin, as we tend to like things nice and orderly and predictable. We’re the Texas Aggies of denominations. But on this Sunday, we had substitute song leaders; they… Continue reading Hymns – Same words, different tunes
The dog who would be queen
It occurs to me that I’ve never told you much about the third member of our little family, the one around whom all the universe revolves, or would, if she had her way about it. I’m speaking, of course, about The Dog, aka Abbye Fabulous (or Ab Fab, for short). I’ve decided I need to… Continue reading The dog who would be queen
Redefining Age
Let’s see…hobbies and pastimes…OK. I snow ski, windsurf, scuba, cycle (both single and tandem) and run. My usual cycling workout is 20 miles, 3-4 times a week, alternated with a four mile run on the "off" days. I’m a volunteer camera operator for our televised church services, and I build websites for money. Anything else?… Continue reading Redefining Age