Photojournalism: Redefining Reality?

There’s an interesting debate going on over at PDNPulse regarding “stylized photojournalism,” which essentially involves the application of special effects to news photographs to “enhance” them or to emphasize a particular point of view. The debate is between purists who tend to believe that the camera should be used to capture newsworthy scenes without any… Continue reading Photojournalism: Redefining Reality?

Slow News Day?

I have a subscription to the online version of the Wall Street Journal and I subscribe to an email list that sends three news updates each day: morning, noon, and – wait for it – evening. Those updates usually lead off with breaking stories about events of widespread interest – you know, disasters like earthquakes… Continue reading Slow News Day?

Medina is not a “Truther” — but she’s also not a politician

I apologize in advance for another political post, especially to those who don’t care about the Texas governor’s election, but politics are like a tarbaby…once you get a finger in the mess, it’s hard to make a clean break. In case you haven’t heard, Debra Medina’s interview on Glenn Beck’s radio program yesterday turned out… Continue reading Medina is not a “Truther” — but she’s also not a politician

Super Bowl Thoughts

Drawing upon the documentary film Airplane!, my reaction to yesterday’s Super Bowl MMCXLVIIIXI was that I picked the wrong day to quit live-blogging the TV ads. It would have been so easy to assign the coveted Ant Ratings. There were about 30 1- or 2-Ant ads, and only two that I thought were worth watching… Continue reading Super Bowl Thoughts

Broadcast Media Hypocrisy

I watched a couple of national news shows this morning (NBC and CBS) and both of them devoted a major chunk of coverage to the “breaking news” about goings-on in the wacky world of Tiger Woods. They spent a lot of time rehashing the golfer’s alleged infidelities, and dissecting every possible aspect of this morning’s… Continue reading Broadcast Media Hypocrisy

Twitter vs MSM: A zero sum game?

Say, if you have just a minute or two, go read this article about Lance Armstrong’s bicycle crash and broken collar bone, and then come back here. We’ll wait… *annoying tuneless whistling signifying a break in the action* That was quick; you’re a good reader, aren’t you? So, did you notice anything unusual about Ciaran… Continue reading Twitter vs MSM: A zero sum game?

Fun with newspapers…Evidence of blogging discovered in archaeological dig…

Wonder if anyone at the MRT will notice that in this morning’s lead story (link n/a) about City Councilpersons considering re-election, they ran a photo of Mike Bradford (the County Commissioner) instead of James Bradford (the City Councilman)? Granted, they look an awful lot alike, although Mike is taller. 😉   Then there’s this headline: Guantanamo… Continue reading Fun with newspapers…Evidence of blogging discovered in archaeological dig…