Random Thursday – The Wednesday Edition

Random observations while contemplating an age-old question: exactly how much Angel Food Cake is the equivalent of one piece of chocolate cherry fudge cake? Oh, and reader beware. Here there be snark. In large quantities. And possibly *gasp* sarcasm. Think the EPA isn’t out of control? First, they* want to shut down the oil and… Continue reading Random Thursday – The Wednesday Edition

Willie Nelson: A Marvel of Musical Efficiency

Willie Nelson’s concert in a less-than-packed Horseshoe Arena last night was a model of efficiency. His bus backed through the doors of the coliseum at around 7:25 p.m., behind a stage that was a model of minimalism: one snare drum, two beat-up amps, a piano, and a couple of microphone stands. Willie appeared ten minutes… Continue reading Willie Nelson: A Marvel of Musical Efficiency

Black Rings of Distraction

I had a big ol’ Random Thursday post ready to go, but at the last second I decided you were probably tired of that meaningless, Content Freeā„¢ junk, so I pulled the trigger on a project that’s been rattling around in my head for a while, ever since I ran across this website. It’s called… Continue reading Black Rings of Distraction

The Beatless

I made a couple of jesting comments on Facebook and Twitter about this article describing the first documented case of something called beat deafness, wherein a man named Mathieu “can’t feel music’s beat or move in time with it.” But it’s a bigger problem than those researchers probably realize. I’m sure that complete beat deafness is… Continue reading The Beatless

Ballroom Dance featuring “The Cutouts”

Alert readers (and I know that includes all of you, because you don’t let me get away with anything) will recall that our dance last Saturday night featured something different, something that to my knowledge had never been tried in the 20 year history of the Ballroom Dance Society: prerecorded music in place of a… Continue reading Ballroom Dance featuring “The Cutouts”

Seeking Silence

I solved a tricky little problem today and want to document it in case anyone else encounters it. But first, some background. Our ballroom dance club is trying something different at our March dance. Up to now, we’ve always had live music, and that tradition will continue. But, for a variety of reasons, we’re going… Continue reading Seeking Silence

Santana in Las Vegas

I made my first visit to Las Vegas last week, and I don’t plan on returning anytime soon. The exception would be if someone offers us tickets to see another performance by Santana at the Hard Rock Hotel, which was the high point of our trip. The show is called Supernatural Santana: A Trip Through… Continue reading Santana in Las Vegas

Categorized as Music

Random Thursday

Scattershooting while making frantic preparations to defend the Gazette against the inevitable attack by WikiLeaks sympathizers who are targeting high profile websites. While most people probably look for novels to read during summer vacations, the year-end holiday season is also a good excuse to look for some light reading, especially when curled up by a… Continue reading Random Thursday

Getting i on Music

I saw this on Facebook earlier today but didn’t take the time to watch it until my pal Jeff emailed a link to me. It’s definitely worth 7 minutes of your time. See, this is what happens when geeks are allowed into worship bands. The next thing you know, we’ll have rappers doing the preaching.… Continue reading Getting i on Music