Oh, no…not another praying mantis post!
The Darker Side of Claymation
The fire that destroyed Wallace & Gromit’s warehouse looks suspicious, and for good reason…
The Grace of Forgetfulness
Have you ever considered that one of the manifestations of God’s grace is the ability to forget?
The Wire Ant Gazette?
You can’t swing a dead cat around here without hitting an ant of some kind. And that’s not a bad thing…
Gimpy Dog? Maybe it just needs some “Hip Action”
We’re seeing good results in treating our dog’s chronic joint pain with a glucosamine supplement called “Hip Action.”
Creature Faceoff
I suppose I have a thing for mantids. In my defense, they’re the T-Rexes of the insect world, only greener. How can you not be fascinated by them? Plus, they’re quite photogenic. Late yesterday afternoon, I spied a praying mantis resting on a plastic stool on the patio. As I turned to go back inside,… Continue reading Creature Faceoff
Contrarian Grammarian
In which much is made about little…but, really, isn’t that the whole purpose of grammar?
Book Review: “The Hummingbird’s Daughter”
“The Hummingbird’s Daughter” is a beautifully-written account of the nation-changing life of a rather unusual peasant girl.
A “fun church”?
Can a church be “fun”? And, more to the point, should it?
The Social Life of Cartoon Characters
Seems like everyone’s getting an invite to Dagwood & Blondie’s anniversary party…except you-know-who.