I was walking through our neighborhood this morning, trekking back home after dropping the car at the shop to have the alternator checked out, and as I passed in front of a large home the front door opened and a yellow Labrador retriever came bounding onto the circle drive. He zeroed in on the plastic-wrapped… Continue reading Work Like a Dog
Things I Like
There’s a meme going around which is a kind of variation on the “100 Things About Me” list that is found on some blogs. I’ve had a hard(er) time (than usual) focusing on a post with any meaningful content, especially on a lazy holiday, so I figured…what the hey? These lists tend to appeal to… Continue reading Things I Like
Fools, Children & Recumbent Riders
Someone once wrote that God takes care of fools and little children. He surely also has a soft spot in His heart for at least two recumbent tandem bicycle riders, as proven by the events of this morning. MLB and I set out on our usual Saturday morning bike ride, enjoying the relatively cool and… Continue reading Fools, Children & Recumbent Riders
Wildlife in West Texas
I don’t think I’ve yet shared with you some photos from a camping trip to Fort Davis, Texas. I had almost forgotten about them, as they are about six years old, but they came to mind for some reason over the weekend and I tracked them down. We were staying in my parents’ trailer at… Continue reading Wildlife in West Texas
Did you see any ID?
A man claiming to be President George W. Bush signed into law today a tough new bill designed to fight the growing problem of identity theft.
Three Decades and a Year
“She walks in beauty, like the nightOf cloudless climes and starry skies;And all that’s best of dark and brightMeet in her aspect and her eyes:Thus mellow’d to that tender lightWhich heaven to gaudy day denies.One shade the more, one ray the less,Had half impair’d the nameless graceWhich waves in every raven tress,Or softly lightens o’er… Continue reading Three Decades and a Year
A Tale of Two Abbyes
I think I may have mentioned previously that our little dog is easily spooked. Well, that’s putting it mildly. If the wind is blowing more than 10 mph, she will not go outside unless coerced, for fear that a rogue leaf will blow her direction, causing untold devastation. Just today at lunch, I witnessed another… Continue reading A Tale of Two Abbyes
Blogging on the 4th
Here’s a great juxtaposition of technologies: I’m sitting in my front drive, blogging via a wireless connection while overseeing the creation of homemade ice cream in our 25 year old Sears, Roebuck & Company electric freezer. I suppose a more dramatic contrast would involve a hand-cranked freezer, but then I couldn’t blog, so what’s the… Continue reading Blogging on the 4th
Don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it before, but the doglike creature who co-habits our house and occasionally answers to the name of Abbye is the possessor of certain, um, behavioral quirks. She’s very suspicious of anything that appears to be wrong, where “wrong” may be defined as “anything she doesn’t expect.” For example, if… Continue reading Abbyeccentricity
Non Sense
I have a friend who “sees” the days of the week as colors. If you ask him about having lunch on “blue,” he’ll check his mental PDA and respond with something like, “Thursday’s not good for me, but brown…I mean, Friday…will work.” His son “sees” numbers as colors, so I suppose its an inherited trait.… Continue reading Non Sense