This gives new meaning to the term “stage fright”

I saw a brief report of this on CNN Headline News yesterday, and just now found time to follow-up. This is from MSNBC: Visitors to Britain will find a new stop on London’s site-seeing route this spring: a usable public toilet enclosed in one-way mirrored glass situated on a sidewalk near the River Thames. The… Continue reading This gives new meaning to the term “stage fright”

This is the “Where”; We’re still working on the “Why”

James Lileks started it yesterday, when he posted a photo of his inner sanctum, where The Bleat gets hammered out on a quasi-daily basis. So I figured, hey, I have an inner sanctum also, as well as a pseudo-regular place on which to put a photo. Here ’tis: A few notes are in order: Unlike… Continue reading This is the “Where”; We’re still working on the “Why”

Categorized as Navel Gazing

Welcome to the “Lunatic Texans On Skis” Tour

I want to thank you for showing up for this press conference. It’s important that we try to set the record straight, if for no other reason than to staunch the gushing of legal fees. Now, if you’ll permit me, I’d like to make a brief opening statement, and then I’ll take some questions. Ahem…… Continue reading Welcome to the “Lunatic Texans On Skis” Tour


Is there a worse feeling than that which comes from knowing you’ve been betrayed? Your first realization that years of trust and devotion have been for naught brings a dull ache that can’t be easily assuaged, and you wonder if life is really worth the pain, and you wonder if you’ll ever again be able… Continue reading Betrayal

Truly Changed…or Merely Churched?

Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.Colossians 4:5-6 Our pastor’s sermon yesterday morning was entitled “Reaching the Radically Unchurched,” and it seemed especially relevant in view… Continue reading Truly Changed…or Merely Churched?

Categorized as Faith

More Power (Guy Stuff)

I was thumbing through the new issue of Bicycling Magazine when a full-page ad for a motorcycle caught my eye. It’s not unheard of for motorcycle manufacturers to advertise in the human-powered cycling publications, although you don’t see Harley-Davidson buying any ad space…something about the wrong demographics/lifestyle image/etc. Harley riders don’t wear lycra, at least… Continue reading More Power (Guy Stuff)

Categorized as Rides...

Classical Mass

If your church is open to some musical ministry in a somewhat different key, I highly recommend this guy. Rodrigo Rodriguez is a classical guitarist from Ecuador, now residing in Florida, who has turned his musical gift into a fulltime ministry. He’s got a great testimony, and an amazing talent. The highlight of the service… Continue reading Classical Mass

Categorized as Faith

Now, Where Were We…?

Six days. One post. <sneer> And you call yourself a blogger. Sheesh. Well, that six day period does represent the longest I’ve gone without posting since this humble blog was birthed. I’d like to say that I missed it, but I didn’t, really. I’ve been distracted by other things, very few of them more fun… Continue reading Now, Where Were We…?