Atlantic Richfield’s Corporate Art Collection – Upcoming Auction

I’m continually amazed at the responses stimulated by some of the things I post on the Gazette, and nothing has surprised me more than the number of folks interested in the Atlantic Richfield Company’s (ARCO) Corporate artwork collection. Two decades after ARCO was assimilated by and subsumed into BP (affectionately known as The Borg by… Continue reading Atlantic Richfield’s Corporate Art Collection – Upcoming Auction

A San Antonio Travelogue: Food, Music, More Food, More Music

Last weekend we met friends in San Antonio and spent a few days enjoying some quite varied activities and events in that amazing city. If you haven’t been to SA before, or if your exposure has been limited to the often frantic and always touristy downtown portion of the Riverwalk, the following is a sort… Continue reading A San Antonio Travelogue: Food, Music, More Food, More Music

Random Thursday: The Truly Random Edition

Happy Thursday, y’all! Today is National Chocolate Day. And is it a coincidence that it’s also National Internal Medicine Day, as well as National First Responders Day? I think not; you should take comfort in knowing that if you overindulge in the food of the gods, *someone* has your back. Or insides. Or…whatever. The Horseshoe… Continue reading Random Thursday: The Truly Random Edition

Random Thursday: The Pictures Edition

Hey, fellow earthlings and others…happy Thursday. Today is National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day, but it’s also National Reptile Awareness Day, and wouldn’t you know it — there are a couple of snake photos at the bottom of this post (following the grapefruit-looking mushroom pictures). So, here’s your mashed-up warning sign (aren’t I clever?): I do have… Continue reading Random Thursday: The Pictures Edition

Toast Alert

I hate to disappoint you if you came here looking for tips regarding scorched bread, but while I am an acknowledged — yet exceedingly humble — expert on the subject, I’m actually here to warn you about the app named Toast.  You may have encountered Toast at a restaurant that has adopted it as its… Continue reading Toast Alert

Solving a Catholic Mystery Statue

We were recently in Fort Stockton and while we were there, we visited one of our favorite stores, Bella Terrazas. Bella Terrazas is owned and managed by Amy Terrazas, a special family friend, and the store is filled from floor to ceiling with an amazing variety of decor, almost all of which was hecho en… Continue reading Solving a Catholic Mystery Statue

Categorized as Faith

Snapshot Saturday…

…because Foto Friday was already spoken for. Plus, I’m a procrastinator. Here are some pictures I took. Where’s a pair of Wayfarers when you need them? The green tree frogs have been numerous lately (or perhaps there’s just one and he/she is someone ubiquitous). But it’s a bit rare to see one in the bright… Continue reading Snapshot Saturday…

Random Thursday: Word Guacamole

¡Hola, amigos¡ ¿Qué pasa? Hoy es el día nacional de guacamole, y es la hora a celebrar. (It’s also Mexico’s Independence Day. Coincidence? I think not.) We’ve got a lot of territory to cover, so let’s lean into it (as “they” say in H.R.). I’m sure most of you are itching to know what’s going… Continue reading Random Thursday: Word Guacamole

In League with the Stones

Note: This is the last in a series of posts from The Lost Gazette Chronicles, focusing on those that fall into the “Faith” category. I wrote this one in July of 2008, back when I was still semi-coherent. I’m early in the book of Job in my 2008 “Read Through the Bible” curriculum, and I… Continue reading In League with the Stones

Categorized as Faith