More Recursive Searches

I got to thinking about yesterday’s post and decided I probably gave Google short shrift regarding its placement of its competitors in the results for a search on “search.” After all, if someone comes to your search engine and searches for “search,” chances are pretty good that your service isn’t really the one they’re looking… Continue reading More Recursive Searches

Categorized as Around the Web

Frac Reporting – Loophole?

As we’ve reported before, today marks the beginning of mandatory reporting of the components of fluid used in hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas wells drilled in Texas. A careful reading of the regulations indicates that you shouldn’t hold your breath to see what’s going into that well that’s planned for your back yard. Even… Continue reading Frac Reporting – Loophole?

Categorized as Law, Oil & Gas

Flights of Fancy

I created this from an actual photograph. Any idea what it is? You know what? The un-retouched image is actually quite a bit more impressive: I know that some of you have seen this scene from ground-level. It’s an aerial look at the Forest Creek Capricorn Ridge (thanks, Gregg!) wind farm just north of Sterling… Continue reading Flights of Fancy

Hypin’ Jorge

The band had just finished a very credible version of Merle Haggard’s classic Workin’ Man Blues [which is playing in the background as I type this…the newish version featuring Willie Nelson and Merle’s son Ben] and I mentioned to friends how great it was that young musicians continued to pay tribute to the greats of country… Continue reading Hypin’ Jorge

Tempestuous Tango

I keep getting asked when we’re going to post some video of our dancing. Well, the time has come. Kinda. Remember this post, where I linked to a video that compressed our 22 mile bike ride into 11 minutes? I’ve done the same thing with a recent lesson – a tango lesson, to be exact.… Continue reading Tempestuous Tango

LPG Fracs: Technology for the times?

Update (1/21/12): Ran across this blog post about LPG fracing. I don’t have a great ear for subtlety, but the writer seems to be entering the discussion with a distinct bias, and some of the claims are simply wrong (or misleading – an outcry over putting hydrocarbons into a rock strata where hydrocarbons already exist… Continue reading LPG Fracs: Technology for the times?