Dream Sequence

It’s an indisputable fact that the most boring thing one can bring to a conversation is a detailed description of one’s dream. Sure, that dream sequence involving Scarlett Johansson, a badger, and a NutriBullet smoothie machine created a permanent new neural pathway on your brain, but even your most fevered and fervent description of that… Continue reading Dream Sequence

Goose and Gander Grievance

Just playing around with some new software. Well, it’s not actually new new; it’s an upgrade from a version I bought in 2005, back when they were coding applications (the word “apps” had not yet been invented, even as it applied to chips and salsa at Chili’s) with hammer and chisel. I had a powerful… Continue reading Goose and Gander Grievance

Random Thursday: The Friday Edition

It’s cold and rainy and dreary…and I’ve decided that I’d be the world’s worst arsonist. It might have taken hours to build, but it is cozy. I did finally get a conflagration going in the fireplace, but it took an entire edition of the Wall Street Journal and most of my kindling to accomplish that.… Continue reading Random Thursday: The Friday Edition

Signs. And wonders.

Me, blogging Hiya. Happy Cinco de Mayo. I would have written that en espaƱol, but I’ve been informed by some people with too much time on their hands that it’s not really a generally-observed Mexican holiday, but only an excuse to eat tacos and guacamole, and drink Coronas and margaritas. To which I respectfully respond:… Continue reading Signs. And wonders.

Newsflash: Local Wildlife Gets Wilder

The local raccoon population has apparently spread the word that my sardine-baited trap is to be ignored. For the past several nights, the bait has gone untouched and the trap unsprung. Photographic evidence of raccoon inspectors makes this all the more frustrating. That’s not to say that the setup hasn’t attracted other, more exotic animals.… Continue reading Newsflash: Local Wildlife Gets Wilder

Finally, some wildlife…

Yesterday, I reported some disappointment in my new trail camera’s failure to capture anything more interesting than passing traffic, due to my failure to aim it properly.  However, that was before I noticed the latest batch upload of photos, one of which caught something quite interesting.  I’m still getting a lot of shots of F-150s… Continue reading Finally, some wildlife…

Walmart Closings: Even MORE Theories!

The recent disclosure by Walmart that it’s closing five stores in order to repair “plumbing issues” is so mysterious – I can’t find any formal announcement or press release on the company’s website – that it’s spawning myriad conspiracy theories by folks for whom the X Files reboot can’t come soon enough. I’ll be the first… Continue reading Walmart Closings: Even MORE Theories!