I would never compare getting a new gun to getting a new toy, but some of the feelings are similar.
Amazing Squirrels
Did I ever tell you my story about dancing for the animals? Well…oh look! a baby squirrel!
Core Values
Gwynne’s post about her core values is excellent. Here’s a humble suggestion on how to approach the determination and articulation of your own values.
The Brazen Bike Hack: Putting the Saw into Hack
The Brazen Bike Hack begins in earnest with the destruction of a perfectly good frame.
The NEW Project: Part 1 – Steeling Myself
There’s no turning back now; I’ve sunk almost $10 into The New Project.
Mormons Got Dance
No dirty dancing for these kids…but they can still burn up a dance floor.
Brazing Huffy
Wherein the blogger contemplates the ruination of one bicycle frame in order to possibly ruin another, much more expensive one.
The TSA and Manly Footwear
Just as you should take care about what you say around TSA screeners, so should you pay attention to what they say — or don’t say — around you.
The Observant Traveling Blogger
Airplanes and airports are ideal habitats for the lurking blogger in need of post material.
Waiting for the other shoe…
The curse of the day: may you live in interesting times.