In an earlier post I alluded to an episode in my life involving a Speedo swim suit and an embarrassing situation. Looking back, I realize that, when considered together, those two references are redundant but it’s too late to undo history. Sitting at home with little to do other than recuperate from minor oral surgery… Continue reading Speedo in Saba -or- Island Exposure
My Eagerly Awaited Return to Sailboarding, -or- “Blown Away”
Note: As I was typing the title of this post, I began to doubt that I actually knew how to spell “eager,” because it looked weird. In my defense, we just got a new Nespresso machine and I’m trying out a fortissio lungo, which is Italian for “guaranteed to make you not sleep for two… Continue reading My Eagerly Awaited Return to Sailboarding, -or- “Blown Away”
Chair Peanuts & Running Shoes: The Embodiment of Inevitability
in·ev·i·ta·bil·i·ty/iˌnevədəˈbilədē/noun: inevitability; plural noun: inevitabilities the quality of being certain to happen“there was an air of inevitability about the outcome” You know how when you’re sitting in your recliner watching Netflix and eating roasted, lightly salted mixed nuts, and you drop one and it lodges between the cushion and the arm of the chair, and you know… Continue reading Chair Peanuts & Running Shoes: The Embodiment of Inevitability
Neighborhood Nature (Pt. 5)
Editor’s note: The Editorial Board here at the Gazette has grudgingly come to accept that rudimentary animations in the form of gifs — pronounced with a soft “g” — must be tolerated, much as one tolerates the annoying-but-inescapable social behavior of toddlers and politicians. That said, the Board has put strict limits on the use… Continue reading Neighborhood Nature (Pt. 5)
And the heat goes on…but not the lizards, perhaps
Hey, y’all…is it hot where you live? This is the time of year where we resurrect General Sheridan’s quote about preferring to live in Hell and rent out Texas, which makes a lot of sense until you wonder just who, exactly, would be willing to rent Texas during August? Alert Gazette readers will recall that… Continue reading And the heat goes on…but not the lizards, perhaps
AMEX Centurion Credit Card? Ha! A mixtape card is way cooler.
My Discover card expired recently and when I popped over to their website to request a new one, I discovered (ha!) that I could choose from about 150 different designs. My initial thought was “well, this is sorta lame,” the same reaction I have to folks who order checks decorated with puppies and hummingbirds (the… Continue reading AMEX Centurion Credit Card? Ha! A mixtape card is way cooler.
Dream Sequence
It’s an indisputable fact that the most boring thing one can bring to a conversation is a detailed description of one’s dream. Sure, that dream sequence involving Scarlett Johansson, a badger, and a NutriBullet smoothie machine created a permanent new neural pathway on your brain, but even your most fevered and fervent description of that… Continue reading Dream Sequence
Home is Where the Nature Is
It’s been an interesting week or two around Casa Fire Ant, as we’ve had the opportunity to observe some rather unique natural phenomena without getting very far from home. Or, without even getting out of the house. Let’s start with that last thing, how about? I was sitting in the office working on some complex… Continue reading Home is Where the Nature Is
The Perfected Art of Planned Obsolescence (…or, “I should have paid it off slower”)
I celebrated a monumental event last week. It wasn’t my wedding anniversary, nor my wife’s birthday, although those things did take place…but they do pretty much every year. No, this was something that happens only very rarely: I paid off my iPhone. I had been anticipating this blessed occurrence for a few months, but that… Continue reading The Perfected Art of Planned Obsolescence (…or, “I should have paid it off slower”)
Time Out for a Blog PSA: Y’all, it’s just a hobby!
I received a lot of responses — primarily via Facebook — to yesterday’s post about the Fire Ant Gazette-themed mask. And while I was gratified that so many were interested, I was a bit taken aback at the apparent perception by some that I was actively seeking help in promoting the Gazette. Don’t tell anyone… Continue reading Time Out for a Blog PSA: Y’all, it’s just a hobby!