Signs. And wonders.

Me, blogging Hiya. Happy Cinco de Mayo. I would have written that en espaƱol, but I’ve been informed by some people with too much time on their hands that it’s not really a generally-observed Mexican holiday, but only an excuse to eat tacos and guacamole, and drink Coronas and margaritas. To which I respectfully respond:… Continue reading Signs. And wonders.

Snake Mistake

“Eric…come quick!” I was sitting in the office late yesterday afternoon when I heard MLB‘s overly excited summons from somewhere in the middle of the house. I ran out to find her staring out the living room windows at something in the front courtyard.  “Oh, man. That’s a water moccasin. Keep an eye on him… Continue reading Snake Mistake

Beaver Believer (or “See…canadensis!”)

It’s probably common knowledge that beavers slap the water with their tails as a warning about – or an attempt to startle – potential predators. They also tend to swim with their heads slightly above water but with their bodies slightly submerged. So, you may be ask, why are you – a native Texan living… Continue reading Beaver Believer (or “See…canadensis!”)

Relive your run, you masochist

I’m a bit of a data junkie, and nowhere is this more evident than in the spreadsheets I’ve kept for decades detailing my workouts. I do this not because I have an accounting degree, nor because I’m OCD (although one of those things is definitely true and the other is probably true). I keep records… Continue reading Relive your run, you masochist

Categorized as Running

tire change

its tuesday afternoon and tonight is trivia night at the yacht club but thats not really important whats important is that my truck has had a slow leak in the right front tire some people would refer to it as the passenger side front tire but a lot of time theres no passenger in my… Continue reading tire change

Categorized as Cars, Tools & DIY

The Fugitive Fox

It’s been a quiet couple of weeks at Casa de Fire Ant, at least from a trapping perspective. I haven’t bothered to bait the raccoon trap for a variety of reasons — laziness being at the top of the list — although the armadillo trap has been armed and routinely ignored. I assume that either… Continue reading The Fugitive Fox

A Post-Modern Jukebox Sampler

It’s Sunday morning and I’m losing a fight with a cold and/or allergies, and I’m taking the lazy way out by blogging someone else’s material…in this case (because, really, most of my stuff is stolen plagiarized borrowed from someone else) some music videos from Scott Bradlee’s Post-Modern Jukebox. SBPMJ (hereafter referred to as PMJ for… Continue reading A Post-Modern Jukebox Sampler

Categorized as Music

Newsflash: Local Wildlife Gets Wilder

The local raccoon population has apparently spread the word that my sardine-baited trap is to be ignored. For the past several nights, the bait has gone untouched and the trap unsprung. Photographic evidence of raccoon inspectors makes this all the more frustrating. That’s not to say that the setup hasn’t attracted other, more exotic animals.… Continue reading Newsflash: Local Wildlife Gets Wilder