This is for anyone who’s ever struggled to parallel park, as if we needed yet another reason to feel inadequate. This attempt set the world record for tightest parallel parking (is there anything for which a world record can’t be established?), said record measured by the clearance between vehicles. This attempt was 26cm. However,… Continue reading Sliding Into Place
Beginning of the End
It’s T minus 12 days and counting before I start the new job, and I’m swinging wildly between “oh boy…this is going to be so cool!” and “oh no…what have I done!” I suppose that’s natural. According to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, a change in your line of work is only slightly less… Continue reading Beginning of the End
Pomegranate Update (Yes, another one. Gimme a break.)
You’re probably growing weary of pomegranate updates, but given everything I have going on right now, this is about all I can come up with. Plus, I think it’s pretty great how a tree we gave up for dead is now thriving as a bush. The photos below don’t map exactly, but they’re pretty close,… Continue reading Pomegranate Update (Yes, another one. Gimme a break.)
Taking the Fork
When you come to a fork in the road, take it. – Yogi Berra, Philosopher Funny, isn’t it, how life-changing events often begin with the smallest thing. In this case, it was a casual remark by my wife about the difficulty her employer was having finding qualified people to fill some job vacancies. Those vacancies were… Continue reading Taking the Fork
Goose Update
Remember our neighborhood’s one-legged goose? I’m pleased to report that he/she/it appears to have effectively adapted to its unipedal status, as evidenced by this photo taken yesterday evening: The bird at right is the goose in question, and as we watched the trio feeding along the bank, it was doing the one-foot-hop with ease. It’s… Continue reading Goose Update
Movie Review: “Cowboys and Aliens”
Note: This review contains no plot spoilers. We went to see the highly anticipated (well, by us, anyway) Cowboys and Aliens this afternoon, despite the lukewarm review in this morning’s newspaper. I don’t necessarily ignore movie reviews, but I have found that I often disagree with professional critics when it comes to science fiction. Perhaps… Continue reading Movie Review: “Cowboys and Aliens”
Say, I think I forgot to tell you about the cool anniversary gift MLB presented me during our recent trip to Santa Fe. That’s a photo of it floating off to the right. Yep, it’s a knife…a Benchmade Model 470 Osborne Emissary, to be exact, and it’s the best knife I’ve ever owned. It’s got… Continue reading Knifed
Borders Ruins
On July 18th, Borders Group, Inc. announced that it was closing 400 bookstores and liquidating its inventory, having failed to find a rescuer after it declared bankruptcy. The company is another victim of technology, having missed the boat, the train, and even the bus that runs to the online hubs for selling books and music.… Continue reading Borders Ruins
The oil business in Santa Fe is booming, as is the vinegar trade
It’s probably because we’re just rubes from the country, but we were amazed to discover during our recent visit to Santa Fe that there are [at least] two stores in the downtown area that specialize in selling olive oil and balsalmic vinegar in a wide array of flavors. We spent quite a bit of time… Continue reading The oil business in Santa Fe is booming, as is the vinegar trade
Denver’s Big Blue Bear
One of the more entertaining sights in Denver is the installation of a whimsical statue entitled “I See What You Mean.” See if you don’t agree: The fiberglass statue was installed in 2005, stands 40′ tall, and cost more than $400,000, according to this article. One can only hope that it’s not staring into a… Continue reading Denver’s Big Blue Bear