Christmas Drawl

Wherein the potential for a New American Cowboy Version of the Gospel is briefly explored.

Christmas Blessings

Merry Christmas! [Set to the lyrics of “Mary, Did you know?”]

Categorized as Faith

Friday Wonderments

Random observations…because that’s what we do.© Most of us have too much stuff. That’s why so many houses with perfectly good 2- and 3-car garages have cars parked in the streets. I had a client tell me once that he came by several times to drop something off, but I was never at home. I… Continue reading Friday Wonderments

The Right Way to Pray?

There’s an interesting exchange of views in the comments for this recent post. My pal Jeff takes gentle exception to my semi-snarky comment about President Bartlet’s hospital room prayer for a wounded soldier in last week’s episode of The West Wing. In this scene, the president asks the soldier if there’s anything he can do… Continue reading The Right Way to Pray?

Categorized as Faith

Good Sci-Fi is hard to find

OK, I’ll admit it…I’m not a frequent reader of Glenn Reynolds’ Instapundit. For one thing, he refuses to return my phone calls, even with the “special” caller ID thing I hacked worked out. And then there’s all the links he’s throwing lately toward Discoshaman and TulipGirl, whom he wouldn’t even know about without lurking for… Continue reading Good Sci-Fi is hard to find

Hiking El Capitan

A year ago, MLB and I hiked to the top of Guadalupe Peak, which at 8,700′ and change is the highest point in Texas. We were exceedingly fortunate in that the weather was beautiful — clear, calm and cool — something that cannot be counted on in that part of the country during this time… Continue reading Hiking El Capitan

Movie Fun: Music in Non-Musicals

I finished watching 13 Going On 30 today during my torture treadmill session. Cute movie… serious lapses in plot (duh)… Jennifer Garner is a revelation. Anyway, my favorite scene in the movie was the Thriller dance at the magazine’s party. I’m a sucker for the interjection of such scenes in movies that are not musicals, especially… Continue reading Movie Fun: Music in Non-Musicals

Categorized as Movies, Music