A Tale of Two Abbyes

I think I may have mentioned previously that our little dog is easily spooked. Well, that’s putting it mildly. If the wind is blowing more than 10 mph, she will not go outside unless coerced, for fear that a rogue leaf will blow her direction, causing untold devastation. Just today at lunch, I witnessed another… Continue reading A Tale of Two Abbyes

Categorized as Abbye...

Blogging on the 4th

Here’s a great juxtaposition of technologies: I’m sitting in my front drive, blogging via a wireless connection while overseeing the creation of homemade ice cream in our 25 year old Sears, Roebuck & Company electric freezer. I suppose a more dramatic contrast would involve a hand-cranked freezer, but then I couldn’t blog, so what’s the… Continue reading Blogging on the 4th


Don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it before, but the doglike creature who co-habits our house and occasionally answers to the name of Abbye is the possessor of certain, um, behavioral quirks. She’s very suspicious of anything that appears to be wrong, where “wrong” may be defined as “anything she doesn’t expect.” For example, if… Continue reading Abbyeccentricity

Categorized as Abbye...

Non Sense

I have a friend who “sees” the days of the week as colors. If you ask him about having lunch on “blue,” he’ll check his mental PDA and respond with something like, “Thursday’s not good for me, but brown…I mean, Friday…will work.” His son “sees” numbers as colors, so I suppose its an inherited trait.… Continue reading Non Sense

Categorized as Faith, Medicine

NetFlix: What’s In Your Queue?

I don’t have a CD changer in my “office.” It’s just as well, since I don’t listen to music while I work. But it also means that I cannot participate in a favorite blogger activity, that of listing the contents in one’s changer so as to give the world some insight as to one’s musical… Continue reading NetFlix: What’s In Your Queue?

Categorized as Movies

Church Matters*

The passing of Ronald Reagan has brought about interesting discussions about the role Christianity played in shaping his political life. The consensus seems to be that Mr. Reagan was defined by his faith, perhaps not as overtly as our current President, but in no less impactful ways. This is proper and commendable, in my view;… Continue reading Church Matters*

Categorized as Faith

Unintended Consequences

Today’s email newsletter from the Southern Baptist International Mission Board features an article by Erich Bridges describing some of the challenges — and the victories — of Christian evangelism in the Muslim world. This reference to the impact of The Passion of the Christ caught my eye (emphasis mine): Governments in some Muslim countries are… Continue reading Unintended Consequences

Categorized as Faith, Movies

Never Forget

We’ve got a lovely Memorial Day planned: 20 mile tandem ride, complete with American flag flapping in the breeze; a couple of nicely marbled ribeyes thawing on the kitchen counter, awaiting an afternoon grilling; a batch of Fredericksburg peaches (frozen from last summer but still muy delicioso) for peach shortcake; perhaps a viewing of Return… Continue reading Never Forget

Desert Desert Dessert

Jasmine and I were debating about whether to post about the misspelled word in a front-page headline in today’s issue of the MRT. I haven’t checked to see if the offending headline made it onto the website, but knowing Jeff McDonald, I’m sure it was corrected before it went online. Jasmine is an educator and… Continue reading Desert Desert Dessert

The Lowdown on Dropsy

I was reading in the Bible book of Luke last week, and came across this passage: One Sabbath, when Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, he was being carefully watched. There in front of him was a man suffering from dropsy. Jesus asked the Pharisees and experts in the law,… Continue reading The Lowdown on Dropsy

Categorized as Faith, Medicine