Today’s Random Thursday post is brought to you by my imaginary menagerie.
Random Thursday: The Home Improvement Edition (Pt. 2)
Big changes coming to our back yard, and fortunately they only rely on my checkbook and not my skill.
Beer By The Bay 2022: All About The Music
The annual music festival hosted by the Horseshoe Bay Resort featured some great acts in 2022.
Random Thursday: The Home Improvement Edition (Pt. 1)
Where in an inordinate amount of time is spent on inconsequential garage “upgrades.”
Neighborhood Nature (Pt. 13)
Tunneling termites, firewood munching bugs and periscoping snakes: we got ‘em.
Random Thursday
No, there won’t be a movie based on Wordle…but if there is, it was my idea.
San Antonio Travelogue
We’ve spent a lot of time in San Antonio, but we’re still having surprising adventures there.
Random Thursday: The Non-Wildlife Edition
Despite being ravaged by COVID, I’ve crafted an amazingly engaging post. Although that might be the fever talking.
Magic Keyboard: Life Changing?
“Life changing” may be a bit hyperbolic. But then again…
Las Puentes de Serpientes
We came across two harmless water snakes during our morning run.