Camera Ciao

My DSLR died a week or so ago. Well, I guess that’s a little dramatic. In reality, it suffered a fatal injury. Uh, that’s not much better, is it? OK, what really happened is that one of the electronic contacts that lets the camera communicate with its Compact Flash Card — the medium on which… Continue reading Camera Ciao

Team Up to Mess Up

Alert Gazette readers will recall that many (most? all?) of my DIY projects either end up badly, or at best take a distressing turn somewhere in the process, requiring a significant recalibration and/or assessment of just exactly why I thought I was competent to achieve the task at hand in the first place. (For proof,… Continue reading Team Up to Mess Up

Categorized as Tools & DIY

Random Thursday: The Truly Random Edition

Happy Thursday, y’all! Today is National Chocolate Day. And is it a coincidence that it’s also National Internal Medicine Day, as well as National First Responders Day? I think not; you should take comfort in knowing that if you overindulge in the food of the gods, *someone* has your back. Or insides. Or…whatever. The Horseshoe… Continue reading Random Thursday: The Truly Random Edition