Geese Today, Ghosts Tomorrow -or- An Eggstinction Drama Unfolds

Alert Gazette readers will no doubt remember the pair of Egyptian geese that resided last year on the golf course nearest our house. They left for parts unknown after their lone progeny reached maturity, and we wondered if we would see them again. Based on my cursory research, they’re not migratory so they’ll keep to… Continue reading Geese Today, Ghosts Tomorrow -or- An Eggstinction Drama Unfolds

Steam Fog on Lake LBJ

Folks who live in close proximity to Lake LBJ no doubt noticed an eerie phenomenon yesterday. Even though it was not a foggy day, the lake was covered with a thick blanket of what looked like smoke or mist…and the windy conditions blew that fog across the sky so that at times it did resemble… Continue reading Steam Fog on Lake LBJ

Caterpillar Complaints and Captures

Alert Gazette readers will recall my lament from last spring regarding an infestation of walnut caterpillars and their fecal flotsam. Well…lucky us. It turns out that these creatures make twice annual appearances — spring AND fall — and we’re now in the middle of their curtain call. This is also the time of year that… Continue reading Caterpillar Complaints and Captures

Neighborhood Nature (Pt. 6)

Happy Friday, folks! We’ve got a lot of ground to cover today so try to keep up. (Just kidding. If you’re here for the pictures, there’s plenty; if you’re a former Playboy reader and have just stopped by for the articles, there’re a few things for you, as well, but none of it requires your… Continue reading Neighborhood Nature (Pt. 6)

Neighborhood Nature (Pt. 5)

Editor’s note: The Editorial Board here at the Gazette has grudgingly come to accept that rudimentary animations in the form of gifs — pronounced with a soft “g” — must be tolerated, much as one tolerates the annoying-but-inescapable social behavior of toddlers and politicians. That said, the Board has put strict limits on the use… Continue reading Neighborhood Nature (Pt. 5)

Texas Spiny Lizard Nesting Behavior

One late afternoon last week, Debbie was looking out a dining room window and spotted a strange sight in the courtyard. She called me over to have a look, and for the next couple of hours, we watched a fascinating process unfold. Alert Gazette readers will recall the previous post in which I described, by… Continue reading Texas Spiny Lizard Nesting Behavior

Neighborhood Nature (Pt. 4): Circle of Life Edition

I don’t know whether it’s because we’ve been stuck at home more this year, but I’ve noticed more evidence than ever before that spring in our neighborhood is a matter of life and death…and I’m not talking about COVID-19 at all. If the Circle of Life was unrolled and laid flat in a trend line,… Continue reading Neighborhood Nature (Pt. 4): Circle of Life Edition

Leaving the Nest…Literally

Alert Gazette readers will recall that only two days ago, I predicted that the juvenile red-shouldered hawks next door would be leaving the nest “within the next couple of weeks.” Well, we discovered today that my prediction was off by only…well…a couple of weeks. I walked outside early this morning in time to see one… Continue reading Leaving the Nest…Literally

Frickin’ Frass

Re: the post title — pardon my French. Except in this case, “frass” is actually German. As long as we’re on the subject of disgusting worm-related phenomenon, lately we’ve been dealing with an infestation of walnut caterpillars on our pecan trees. It’s bad enough that they’re not abiding by their names — no one in… Continue reading Frickin’ Frass