Editor’s Note: The following is the kind of hard-hitting, insightful reportage that the Gazette is known for. You, our faithful reader, can count on our commitment to continue to strive to meet the highest of journalistic and bloggeristic standards in order to enhance your quality of life via our expert professionalism and — uh, what’s… Continue reading Dueling Bozos [A working title] (Ha! More like a shirking title, amirite?)
ARCO Corporate Artwork Collection: Yet Another Auction
The Gazette once again seems to be a clearinghouse of sorts for news regarding the massive collection of artwork assembled by Atlantic Richfield Company (“ARCO”). I recently received an email from a representative of Jeff Martin Auctioneers Inc. announcing an online auction of a number of pieces formerly owned by ARCO. Hi Eric, I found… Continue reading ARCO Corporate Artwork Collection: Yet Another Auction
Random Thursday: Shambling into a new year
Hello, America. It’s the first Thursday of 2022, and this is the year that I’m finally going to get serious about my journalistic responsibilities. Of course, that will have no effect on this website. As I’m sure you all know, today is National Cuddle Up Day, which sounds quite inviting, only it’s also National Bean… Continue reading Random Thursday: Shambling into a new year
Some Favorite Photos of 2021
For those who were hoping that yesterday’s post was the last one until next year, sorry to disappoint you. But I’m seeing a bunch of articles from people who are sharing their favorite movies, or TV shows, or books, or cocktails, or Pantone colors from 2021, and I don’t want to get left out. So,… Continue reading Some Favorite Photos of 2021
Random Thursday: The Last 1 of ’21
Well, hello there. Did you miss me? (Don’t answer that. It’s a long story, almost as long as the time since I last posted something here.) Today is National Bicarbonate of Soda Day, and the only explanation I can come up with for the timing is that it’s anticipatory of a critical need in two… Continue reading Random Thursday: The Last 1 of ’21
Random Thursday: The 20th Century CCM Edition
Feliz jueves, sports fans, and welcome to another edition of Random Thursday. Today is Weary Willie Day, and it was with a certain amount of trepidation that I clicked on this explanatory link, and was relieved to see that it refers to a clown character introduced and made famous by Emmett Kelly long before any… Continue reading Random Thursday: The 20th Century CCM Edition
Random Thursday: Pictures and Words and Stuff
Howdy there, y’all. Today is National Mutt Day, and it’s also National Fritters Day, which is appropriate since fritters are the mutts of the food world. And it’s doubly appropriate because this blog is considered to be the fritter of the blogosphere. Today we’re exploring the wonderful worlds of Hallmark Christmas movies, the opening of… Continue reading Random Thursday: Pictures and Words and Stuff
HEB Giveth…And Taketh Away
Mondays are our usual grocery shopping days, and today was no exception. The HEB store in Marble Falls was practically deserted when we got there around noon…at least compared to the pre-Thanksgiving madness of last week. We picked up everything on our list plus about fifty things that weren’t and headed for the checkout, where… Continue reading HEB Giveth…And Taketh Away
The Gazette Has a New Member of the Publishing Team!
A few weeks ago, I made a life-changing decision and I’ve been dealing with the implications the past few days. That decision? I ordered a new desktop computer, and I’ve been slogging through the process of attempting to re-create my decades-long work processes on it. If that sounds overly dramatic, you need to understand that… Continue reading The Gazette Has a New Member of the Publishing Team!
Reflecting on Nineteen Years of Blogging
Today marks the 19th anniversary of the Fire Ant Gazette. In the WWW (Wonderful World of Weddings), the 19th anniversary is represented by bronze — the metal, not the color — which apparently symbolizes strength and endurance, and I suppose that’s apropos for almost a fifth of a century of writing stuff for no apparent… Continue reading Reflecting on Nineteen Years of Blogging